強烈寒波、2日から3日がピーク。 tenki.jp/forecaster/dia… クリスマス寒波に引き続き、あす以降は年越し寒波がやってきます。日本海側で風が最も強まるのは大晦日と元日。更に2日~3日は寒気が強まり大雪となる恐れがあります。
A past effort grows, and work to be connected directly with result begins. Please progress with a smile brightly.
The expectation increases, and your thought will be accomplished.
I strengthen mind and body and advance without rotating even if I face with any difficulty and wall!
Please continue strongly walking your right way without regaining courage and confidence, and making a rotation 氣.
I will convey the love that you are in excess around.Through practice of the love, your soul awakes, and more brightness appears.
A heavy rain falls since a little while ago now in Japan. Rain is very comfortable. It washes away the unpleasant thing.
Concentrate a feeling; and for at a breath! The flow of the circumference improves more than expected if I do so it… twishort.com/tAJcc