US-ISIS Rumors Hard To Counter, General Says
Telling the truth to you, dear readers, there is indeed no reason for governments crucial in this story to help the GOJ. Why? The reason is very simple and clear:It’s these governments that made the ISIL. That’s it. The USG and its western allies massively trained local militants to make the so-called “Syrian Free Army”, while Jordan provided them with maneuvering field. Even the Saudis supported this project. After having established a certain militant group sufficient to control the vast region in Iraq and Syria, they then pretend as if a kind of “blow back” happens and they were also its victims. At this stage, I’d underline this is the very beginning of an undeclared war against Japan by all the other “western allies”. The more the GOJ seeks assistance and support from them, the more disgraced it will be in the international community as an incomplete state without intelligence capacity for self-defense.
One Simple Question on Japanese Captive by ISIL
– Last but not least, two Japanese citizens were announced to be kidnapped by the Islamic State for ransom. PM Shinzo ABE shortened his schedule to visit ME and was forced to answer to the IS: “To pay or not to pay. That’s the question.” From my viewpoint, the leadership of the global community now focuses on whether Japan would concentrate just on her national interest to save lives of the guys, or go on to set new frameworks to the whole world including ME in spite of sacrificing a part of her own interest. Unless Japan wouldn’t do so, her nationals would be kidnapped and killed one after another by “Islamic terrorist” (= covert actions of western/Islaeli intellicence agencies) not only in ME but all over the world.
Emerging New World Order and Innovation from FUKUSHIMA
「世界秩序が変わり始めてるって、どういう風に??」 (※拡散希望致します!)
原田武夫 イスラム国がヨーロッパでテロ それをきっかけに大戦争か < 1:32~ >