
2025-02-04 07:21:54 | お話






Animals Compete with New Skins

Ricky the Squirrel, Woo the Rabbit, and Koo the Bear love playing a falling puzzle game. They decided to compete by suggesting new skins.

Ricky's idea is a brown acorn shape with a little tail sticking out. It falls a bit faster than usual, and when it touches other pieces, they also fall faster. But if the chain breaks, the speed boost goes away. "The tail is the best," Ricky said confidently.

Woo's idea is a pink, fluffy, round shape with ears standing up. When it touches two or more pieces of the same color, it can jump up one level. If it touches other pieces while jumping, it climbs on top of them. "The ears are the best," Woo said happily.

Koo's idea is a big-nosed, slightly angry-looking, dark brown shape. When it touches other pieces, it can hold them for a while. If pieces of the same color touch it while holding, the number of held pieces increases, but there is a limit. "The nose is the strongest," Koo said proudly.

Today is February 4th, Puyo Day. The animals enjoyed playing the game with their new skins.

Today's Key Word: Tail
Tail (尻尾 / Shippo): The long, thin part that sticks out from the back of an animal's body.

Example: "The squirrel's tail is very fluffy."
例文: 「リスの尻尾 (Shippo) はとてもふわふわです。」


2025-02-03 06:56:44 | お話






Animal Friends' Creativity: Art from the Fridge

Ricky the Squirrel, Woo the Rabbit, and Koo the Bear wanted to make cards with flower pictures, but they had no paint. "Let's make paint from the food in the fridge!" Ricky suggested. Woo said, "Great idea! I can't wait to see what colors we can make!"

First, Ricky took out a pumpkin. Ricky loves pumpkins and always looks forward to finding orange pumpkins in the mountains in the fall. He cooked the pumpkin to make orange paint and painted orange marigolds.

Next, Koo took out some blueberries. Koo loves blueberries and gets excited when he finds blue blueberries in the forest. He mashed the blueberries to make blue paint and painted blue delphiniums.

Finally, Woo took out some strawberries. Woo loves strawberries and gets happy when he finds red strawberries in the fields. He mashed the strawberries to make red paint and painted red poppies.

Today, February 3rd, is Picture Letter Day. The animals gave their painted cards to their friends and had a wonderful day.

Today's Key Word: Paint
Paint (絵の具 / Enogu): A colored substance used to create pictures or cover surfaces.

Example: "We used paint to make beautiful pictures."
例文: 「私たちは絵の具 (Enogu) を使って美しい絵を描きました。」


2025-02-02 07:00:23 | お話






The Forest Friends of Flowers and Music

The music-loving animals in the forest were having a picnic. Squirrel Ricky, Bunny Woo, and Bear Koo brought a shoulder keyboard and arrived at the wetland.

Ricky found a water lily. "Water lilies are beautiful and elegant. Let's play harp sounds to show their delicate beauty!" Ricky said excitedly. Ricky played harp sounds on the keyboard while decorating the water lilies and moving lightly.

Woo found an iris. "Irises are bright and lovely. Let's jump around to the sound of a banjo!" Woo said cheerfully. Woo played banjo sounds on the keyboard while picking irises and hopping around.

Koo found a lotus. "Lotuses are mysterious and beautiful. Let's play shakuhachi sounds to show their mystical atmosphere!" Koo said calmly. Koo played shakuhachi sounds on the keyboard while decorating the lotuses and walking gracefully.

Actually, today, February 2nd, is World Wetlands Day. The animals enjoyed the different sounds of the keyboard and cherished the flowers, having a wonderful day.

Today's Key Word: Wetland
Wetland (湿地 / Shicchi): A land area that is covered with water, either permanently or seasonally, and is home to many plants and animals.

Example: "The animals had a picnic at the wetland." 
例文: 「動物たちは湿地 (Shicchi) でピクニックをしました。」


2025-02-01 07:01:05 | お話



ウサギのウーちゃんは、ブルーベリーの広告を作ることにしました。「ブルーベリーは目に優しいよ。春になったらブルーベリー畑で一緒に摘んで食べよう!」と楽しそうに言いました。「Daydream café」の曲に合わせて、ブルーベリーを摘みながら飛び跳ねました。



The Forest Friends' Fruit Challenge

The animals in the forest decided to make ads for their favorite fruits and enter an ad contest.

Squirrel Ricky made an ad for persimmons, a tasty autumn fruit. "Persimmons are sweet and juicy. Jump from the tree and go straight to the persimmons! Autumn's taste, persimmons!" he said excitedly. He played a fun version of "Donguri Korokoro" while holding the persimmons and climbing the tree.

Bunny Woo made an ad for blueberries. "Blueberries are good for your eyes. When spring comes, let's pick and eat blueberries together!" Woo said happily. He jumped around picking blueberries to the tune of "Daydream café."

Bear Koo made an ad for grapes. "Grapes are juicy and delicious. When summer comes, let's harvest grapes together!" Koo said gently. He danced proudly while holding grapes to the music of "Pomp and Circumstance."

The audience laughed a lot, and the fruit ads were a big success. Today, February 1st, is TV Broadcast Day. As a reward, Ricky, Woo, and Koo's fruit ads were shown on TV, and they had a fun day.

Today's Key Word: Ad
Ad (広告 / Koukoku): A short form of "advertisement," which is a message to promote a product, service, or idea.

Example: "The animals made an ad for their favorite fruits."
例文: 「動物たちは自分たちの好きな果物の広告 (Koukoku) を作りました。」