Animals Compete with New Skins
Ricky the Squirrel, Woo the Rabbit, and Koo the Bear love playing a falling puzzle game. They decided to compete by suggesting new skins.
Ricky's idea is a brown acorn shape with a little tail sticking out. It falls a bit faster than usual, and when it touches other pieces, they also fall faster. But if the chain breaks, the speed boost goes away. "The tail is the best," Ricky said confidently.
Woo's idea is a pink, fluffy, round shape with ears standing up. When it touches two or more pieces of the same color, it can jump up one level. If it touches other pieces while jumping, it climbs on top of them. "The ears are the best," Woo said happily.
Koo's idea is a big-nosed, slightly angry-looking, dark brown shape. When it touches other pieces, it can hold them for a while. If pieces of the same color touch it while holding, the number of held pieces increases, but there is a limit. "The nose is the strongest," Koo said proudly.
Today is February 4th, Puyo Day. The animals enjoyed playing the game with their new skins.
Today's Key Word: Tail
Tail (尻尾 / Shippo): The long, thin part that sticks out from the back of an animal's body.
Example: "The squirrel's tail is very fluffy."
例文: 「リスの尻尾 (Shippo) はとてもふわふわです。」