で、とりあえずGmailアカウント(google account)で取れるらしいので、どこに使うかは後で検討するとして、アカウント登録をぽちっとな。
Thank you for your interest in Google Analytics!
Google Analytics has experienced extremely strong demand, and as a result, we have temporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. In the meantime, please submit your name and email address and we will notify you as soon as we are ready to add new accounts. Thank you for your patience.
で、とりあえずGmailアカウント(google account)で取れるらしいので、どこに使うかは後で検討するとして、アカウント登録をぽちっとな。
Thank you for your interest in Google Analytics!
Google Analytics has experienced extremely strong demand, and as a result, we have temporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. In the meantime, please submit your name and email address and we will notify you as soon as we are ready to add new accounts. Thank you for your patience.