#リエゾン 新着一覧
I'd like to get the Alamoana Shopping Center. How many stops should I get off?
I like DisneySea better than DisneyLand. Because in Japan, you can not drink alcohol in Disney...
She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.
How'd you feel about growing a beard?
Squeeze out the excess water from the minced vegetable.
You think Fumi is a Shimnosuke in disguise?
I was really enjoying playing a smartphone game but it crashed suddenly.
I loved the animation movie by Miyazaki Hayao. Especially I was a big fan of Laputa, the flyi...
They go out to fill the big rain barrels with water from the municipal water supply.
Fumi drives his van on the steepest road he's ever driven.
I think I'm going home early today. Because I have to work on an early-morning shift tomorrow.