Light From The EAST!Incarnate GOD saves humanity!


Prophesies of Incarnate GOD Master Kanichi Otsuka

2019-06-02 15:22:46 | teachings
Prophesies of Incarnate GOD Master Kanichi Otsuka

How to chant Ultimate Divine Word(Sutra)Bukkanseiki “ぶっかん せいき“

2019-06-01 16:12:54 | Divine Sutra
How to chant Ultimate Divine Word(Sutra)Bukkanseiki “ぶっかん せいき“

”The Divine Light in the dark night“by Incarnate God Master Kanichi Otsuka

2019-05-27 02:27:32 | Divine Sutra
”The Divine Light in the dark night“by Incarnate God Master Kanichi Otsuka

The Day has come that Humanity open their “Mind Eye”& follow the Divine WAY!

2019-05-26 05:31:29 | Divine Sutra
The Day has come that Humanity open their “Mind Eye”& follow the Divine WAY!

Class of exploring the Truth! By Incarnate God Master Kanichi Otsuka

2019-05-19 08:44:13 | Divine Sutra
Class of exploring the Truth! By Incarnate God Master Kanichi Otsuka