Aug 8, 2013 
I found this summer-limited event 星空の映画祭 -the movie festa under the stars- fantastic!
After quick dinner and feeding Jack, I hopped into the car to head to 八ヶ岳自然文化園 where the festa took place. Normally I can hardly go out in the evenings because I should wait Yoshi to come back from work preparing his meal, which is how a good wife should behave, yes? Now he is out for a business trip to Taiwan so I have a bit of freedom! Heh, heh! FYI, it doesn't mean I hate him, you know, but I just need some of those private time.
My neighbor taught me about the festa the other day. I knew about the event but it just didn't occur to me that I could have a chance to go out in the evening. No, not even when I found that Yoshi would go on a business trip. I should be more careful about chances to get, right? So the information from my fun neighbor kind of enlightened me to have a bit of fun alone!
The movie I saw was Midnight in Paris. The famous tarented director Woody Allen wrote and directed this movie. Starring Owen Wilson and many big-name actors. The story has some messages and what made me moved was one of them.. Be yourself, but not try to disguise yourself when you pursue your happyness.
Actually, I have disguised myself for the past 10 years, since I met Yoshi. Otherwise I couldn't be together with him. I have been suffering between original Me and disguised Me. The guy in the movie realized that the fiancée was not right for him because they have very few in common. I was not sure actually if Yoshi was really right for me before we married .. We had nothing in common. What is more, during these past 10 years we made some in common. I like him very much for sure. I am not sure if he likes me not disguised. He has kept countering about everything I do and say for 10 years. It was unbelievably stressful and I lost confident completely... I remember that I tried so hard to protect who I was but ... After 10 years, I just can't tell who I really am, or how I am really like. Yoshi was mercilessly demanding that I had not other way but I had to force myself to change all of my opinions and common sense..
I have changed.
I think there is no True-Me. I came to realize, there only is me of the moment here. I shouldn't pursue who I used to be. I have already chosen a life with Yoshi. I shouldn't fancy the golden age like the artists in the movie. I should face forward and look just at the future.
That's the only way out of the agony, which no one can understand.
.... Uh, oh. I did it again? Am I whining again? Excuse me, I am a bit drunk tonight.
Anyway, let's get back to the movie festa!
In the middle of the movie it started to rain. The weather forecast didn't mention it so I didn't bring any rain gear. Actually the forecast even said it would turn starry as night advances. At first it was splinkling so I thought it would stop soon but the rain was getting heavier. Finally it started to pour so I was going to get out. Then there was this guy in the dark without a word trying to hand me an umbrella. I was a bit startled first but soon I realized he was one of the volunteers who was too shy to speak up. Heh, heh. With the unbrella, I continued to see the movie. I think I looked like a giant mushroom sitting in the middle of the outdoor theater. Ha, ha! Regrettably I was not the only mushroom there but there were tens of them!
The rain made me feel a bit disappointed but the final scene rescued my feeling. A French girl in the movie said something like walking in Paris in the rain is the best, kind of stuff.. I felt the rain was a part of the movie!