
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....


2013-03-25 | movies & DVDs

Bon appétit

This is the movie I introduce to you today. Unfortunately there is no image on Amazon. Please click the title above if you want to check the images and to know more about this movie. 

A German girl, Spanish and Italian guys were working at a famous restaurant run by a well-known chef in Switzerland.  The story was about relationships in ordinary lives like affairs, friendships, carreer obsessions, and so on. If you are involved in some difficult relationship, this movie will give you some food for thought.


Moulin Rouge!

2013-02-28 | movies & DVDs

February 28, 2013 


Finalmente, it feels like the spring has come here in Yatsugatake. It was much warmer outside and I found オオイヌノフグリ blooming while I was walking Jack. I think this plant should be called speedwell in English but I am not sure. The soft ground also told me so. The moist in the soil has melted.

I should go out more often but I got stuck in my house. I have to study with a correspondance course for translation. I am already behind schedule ... NO!


Here is another my favorite movie Moulin Rouge! Lots of songs, dance, comedy and a tragic love. I like the scene an Argentinean and a prostitute dancing Argentine tango with a song Roxanne.

ムーラン・ルージュ [DVD]


2013-01-26 | movies & DVDs

January 26, 2013/


The Brothers Grimm is today's movie I introduce.

ブラザーズ・グリム [DVD]

Fantasy is my first favorite movie category in my life. Then sci-fi was added to it. And then The Silence of the Lambs definitely showed me the beauty of pcycho-thriller. Then comedy, horror, crime-suspense, natural disaster, war movies, human dramas, love stories, etc. ... Now I like everything!

The Brathers Grimm kind of made me recall the feeling when I first saw a fantasy movie.

I didn't notice that it was Matt Damon starring as Will Grimm!