December 22, 2012
I woke up this morning and looked out of the window, it was snowing.
I was supposed to be happy because it was going to be a Chrismas dinner this evening. You know, Christmas should always come with snow. People like it. But actually, what came to me at the moment was like, "uh, oh...," because the restaurant for the dinner was way far from my house. I have got to take a train for an hour and walk 20 minutes. When it snows it is quite hard to get there ...
Anyway, it turned out to go well. No delay in train and no snow at all in the town where the restaurant was. No need to say, "uh,oh" eventually.
I have monthly get-together with 4 of my best friends as I have always posted here. The Christmas dinner was a part of it. Unfortunately 2 couldn't make it to come though, it was quite a beautiful night. It is so nice for me to have a girl's talk!
You want to ask about Christmas dinner with Yoshi, my husband? Well ... He is not a romantic kind of guy so we just had Sukiyaki at home. No presents.