
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

It has been almost a month...

2007-09-05 | what's up?
Sep 5, 2007

Hello everyone.
...Grrr.. How long have I been leaving this blog ever updated? Whoa, the summer is nearly over.. I cannot believe myself.

I did not really feel like even opening the website because quite a bit of things kept me away from it.
In the past July, I was very busy at work supporting co-workers out in the U.S. They were at the subsidery office of the company I worked. The general manager there had had his stuff change the routine work but they did not like it. They went against the manager so he just let them go... It was crazy that he did it in such a short notice, capable people are all gone and no one can tell the routine work. Guess how things went in a mess...
As I planned, I quite the job early last month.
It was satisfying job for me. I liked corresponding people in the UK and US. They really have lovable personality! However, ... it was quite difficult for a lazy wife like me who are not good at doing house chore while doing a fine job, to do this covering their messes up! All these 2 years I have been covering their mistakes that pop up all of a sudden. Nice people do not necessarily do excellent work.. It is always time-consuming to do irregular operation that takes me for 3 - 4 hours after working hours. Going home exhausted, Yoshi's sarcasm awaits me, "no meals on time, rooms are disaster" etc... Another torturing. I was sick of it.. Anyway. I should close it now. No more whining.

In the meantime, Yoshi and I are planning to buy a new house. It is partly the reason I quit. I will concentrate on it or else it would take handreds of years to make the plan into reality! Busy job and house work brind me from the future but always have my eyes on problems right before me.

Yoshi and I would like to have a log home. I am talking to two builders now.

Anyway, I did like the job quite a lot. I had nice co-workers who were supportive and fun. Besides the wage was pretty good! My temp-stuff agency raised my wage by 30 yen recently! You would wonder why I left. I do wonder myself, actually. I am like a gypsy, I cannot stay at the same office for more than 3 years.. 2 years this time. I have experienced 4 jobs in my life.

I will work at Starbucks next. The wage drops down by half! Oh, my gosh!! But how much I earn doesn't matter. I would like to learn about coffee beans and how to brew in order to open my own cafe in the future!

That's all for today..
I have a lot more to post about but maybe tomorrow and onward.
Yoshi is on a business trip "AGAIN" so I have prenty of time for this blog! I am between jobs and no one nags me whatever I do! (He thinks it is a waste of time to keep a blog.. Do you agree with him?)


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