How are you all doing?
皆さんのお住まいは地球のどの辺りですか? 太陽は出ていますか?曇りですか? 晴れていますか? 私の自宅周辺は晴天です。ついでに、寒くて強い風が吹いています。
What part of the world do you live in? Is the sun out? Is it cloudy? Is it sunny? It's sunny around my house. Also, it's cold and there's a strong wind.
One thing I can say is that both the sun and Sirius are always shining on the earth!
ありがたいことですね! That's a blessing!
Before we get into the main story, please spend some time with me.
This is a very important topic...
This is a very important topic...
まず、「 善と悪 」 の解釈について述べさせて下さい。
First, let me explain the interpretation of「good and evil」
この件については、 Kさんの記事に、
Regarding this matter, see the article by K.
~ 私たちは、善と悪とを統合して、それらを超えてゆく道程にいます ~
~ We are on a journey to integrate good and evil and transcend them ~
However, this is a difficult problem.
Can it be the answer?
The following is the conclusion I came up with after much thought,
The following is the conclusion I came up with after much thought,
what do you think?
善 = 創造主に近づこうと努力する想念と行為 = 永遠の進化(上昇)
善 = 創造主に近づこうと努力する想念と行為 = 永遠の進化(上昇)
Good = Thoughts and actions that strive to get closer to the Creator = Eternal evolution (ascension)
悪 = 創造主から離れようとする想念と行為 = 永遠の退化(下降)
Evil = Thoughts and actions that try to separate from the Creator = Eternal degeneration (descent)
統合 = 善なる者が、下道に堕ちようとしている者を助ける。
あるいは、みんなで手を繋ぐとか? ロープでみんなの体を繋ぐとか?
Integration = The good ones help those who are about to fall into the downward path. Or maybe we should all hold hands? Or connect everyone's bodies with rope? This is difficult...I'd like to borrow your wisdom from everyone.
Also, why are humans reincarnated on Earth today?
Please refer to K's article.
一部抜粋して転載 ・・・ Some excerpts are reproduced...
「 太陽と月と地球とは、三位一体の螺旋進化システム 」
Also, why are humans reincarnated on Earth today?
Please refer to K's article.
一部抜粋して転載 ・・・ Some excerpts are reproduced...
「 太陽と月と地球とは、三位一体の螺旋進化システム 」
「The sun, moon, and earth are a trinity spiral evolutionary system.」
This is the Milky Way Galaxy Nebula/Solar System Ascension Plan, which was decided 52,784 years ago under the universal agreement, dating back to the present day (March 2010). It's a big event, a big festival.
Some information has already been published about the promise made 52,784 years ago.
Some information has already been published about the promise made 52,784 years ago.
In other words, people currently living on Earth, in space,
『 いまから、おおよそ5万2000年後に、地球という星で、全宇宙を巻き込むアセンションの大祭典がありますから、参加者を大募集します!』
『 Approximately 52,000 years from now, there will be a great festival of ascension involving the entire universe on the planet Earth, so we are looking for participants ! 』
These people came from all over the universe after listening to the huge advertisement.
転載終わり・・・ End of reprint...
『 Approximately 52,000 years from now, there will be a great festival of ascension involving the entire universe on the planet Earth, so we are looking for participants ! 』
These people came from all over the universe after listening to the huge advertisement.
転載終わり・・・ End of reprint...
なんていう人が多い訳です。私も然り ・・・
Thus, in the past there have been recruitments to the Ascension Plan.
Therefore, we are souls that have been gathered from each planet in the universe.
I don't have any memory of that, so when I woke up in a hurry, it was already dawn.
There are many people who say that.
なんていう人が多い訳です。私も然り ・・・
Thus, in the past there have been recruitments to the Ascension Plan.
Therefore, we are souls that have been gathered from each planet in the universe.
I don't have any memory of that, so when I woke up in a hurry, it was already dawn.
There are many people who say that.
So am I...
Now, since I have chosen the theme of the melancholy of the Yamato people, I will delve deeper into the reasons for this.
Japan was the center of the world in ancient times, and the Emperor had the heavy responsibility of being God's representative on earth.
Therefore, the mission of the Japanese people, the Yamato people, who embody the will of the world emperor, is also a heavy responsibility.
Therefore, the mission of the Japanese people, the Yamato people, who embody the will of the world emperor, is also a heavy responsibility.
If Japan's spiritual world is disturbed, spiritual pollution will inevitably spread throughout the world.
The super scientific power and the spiritual power of the Yamato people overwhelmed other countries, so if a conflict broke out in another country, it was recorded in the Takeuchi Documents that it was suppressed by force.
These super scientific powers include what we now call HAARP seismic weapons, plasma weapons, and nuclear weapons.
Moreover, he freely controlled UFOs, or more precisely, spaceships (Amenoukifune) , or Merkaba (common name throughout the universe), and traveled around the world.
It was originally used by the Emperor to tour the world, but as the number of countries that became hostile to Japan gradually increased, Amenoukifune was weaponized and used to suppress rebellious countries.
This would not be in line with God's will, and spiritual impurity would accumulate throughout Japan.
Moreover, he earned grudges from kings around the world, and was intent on getting revenge someday.
Since God strictly abides by the laws of the universe in all countries, without exception, God caused earthquakes, tsunamis, and eruptions to cleanse Japan of its filth. In each case, Japan's national power has declined, giving opportunities for other countries to take advantage of it.
During the reign of Emperor Jimmu, natural disasters occurred one after another, and Emperor Jimmu, who was suffering from catastrophic damage, had no choice but to work for the restoration of Japanese culture for 22 years, starting from February 26, 49 years after his accession to the throne. He toured the world.
At that time, accompanied by 80 people, he returned from China through Central Asia, Africa, and India.
It is shown on page 76 of the 「Super Illustrated」 Takeuchi Documents II that the Eastern Expedition at this time aimed to re-import human resources and culture from countries that suffered relatively little damage.
The influx of foreigners at that time was unavoidable, but this was the beginning of the tragedy for the Yamato people and the imperial family.
The Takeuchi Documents, which showed the true history, were also in jeopardy.
The Takeuchi Documents, which showed the true history, were also in jeopardy.
At this time, the Koreans who had become naturalized Japanese citizens, not wanting to miss this opportunity, slowly began to implement various strategies to invade Japan from within.
( In other words, the Korean conspiracy did not begin after the annexation of Japan and Korea.)
It was a long-term strategy to falsify and fabricate history through the compilation of the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, thereby undermining the authority of the world's emperors and stealing the pride of the Yamato people. As time went on, the effects improved.
The person who was involved in compiling the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki was a person named 「Ono Yasumaro」.
Although he was thought to be Japanese, the 「Takeuchi Documents」 indicate that he was actually a naturalized Korean.
Although he was thought to be Japanese, the 「Takeuchi Documents」 indicate that he was actually a naturalized Korean.
The situation in China and Korea at that time was intricately intertwined in this area, and even I am unable to fully understand it.
For this, it would be better to refer to the ``Takeuchi Documents'', page 121 of the super revolution in world history.
I think that's fine.
For this, it would be better to refer to the ``Takeuchi Documents'', page 121 of the super revolution in world history.
I think that's fine.
It is said that the naturalized people plotted a bloodless invasion, deeply infiltrated the imperial court, gradually seized power, and eventually came to serve close to the emperor.
Furthermore, they used their power to incorporate Buddhism in order to counter Shinto, which had been passed down since ancient times in Japan. If the people's attention is diverted from God to Buddha, the 「Emperor = God」schema will inevitably collapse, and the unity centered on the Emperor will be weakened.
Since they were few in number, their only option was to invade them from within.
Yasumaro Ono was initially active in plotting, but it seems that shortly after he finished writing the Kojiki, he had a change of heart and decided to withdraw from the plot to invade Japan.
As he served close to the Emperor, the Emperor's deep compassion must have permeated his soul.
He decided to abolish the Kojiki, and in addition, he tried to convey the correct history of Japan to future generations by using the 「 裏面記述法 = back side writing method」in the 「Nihon Shoki」.
This method was necessary in order to deceive fellow naturalized citizens.
The ``back side writing method'' is an elaborate one, and was developed in China, where kanji were created.
I will omit the details here.
The ``back side writing method'' is an elaborate one, and was developed in China, where kanji were created.
I will omit the details here.
This is because it gets sidetracked and prevents you from learning what you need most right now. Please understand this.
I don't know how God will evaluate Ono Yasumaro's merits and demerits.
But I can understand his feelings. I can't blame him. What do you think?
And of course it was the 「dark forces」 such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati who tried to push Japan into further chaos.
They sent Jesuit missionaries to Japan and changed history from behind the scenes.
In recent years, TV programs have been airing programs to find out the truth.
However, coverage by television stations and the mass media in general is limited. This is because the Koreans living in Japan and the Chinese living in Japan control it behind the scenes.
I don't know how God will evaluate Ono Yasumaro's merits and demerits.
But I can understand his feelings. I can't blame him. What do you think?
And of course it was the 「dark forces」 such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati who tried to push Japan into further chaos.
They sent Jesuit missionaries to Japan and changed history from behind the scenes.
In recent years, TV programs have been airing programs to find out the truth.
However, coverage by television stations and the mass media in general is limited. This is because the Koreans living in Japan and the Chinese living in Japan control it behind the scenes.
In addition to that, even politicians and the entertainment industry...
Also, the pachinko industry, the porn industry, organized crime groups, etc....it just means that the percentage is high.
Also, the pachinko industry, the porn industry, organized crime groups, etc....it just means that the percentage is high.
We are receiving encouragement from foreign countries to 「wake up Japanese!」 There are many blogs and YouTube videos about this, so check it out for yourself.
However, as I have said many times, please refrain from holding protest demonstrations, holding grudges, or any other negative thoughts.
The negative chain will lead to a conflict war, and the evil god army will burn the world with evil flames.
We are all children of God with the same red blood flowing through us.
Let's forgive everything.
The negative chain will lead to a conflict war, and the evil god army will burn the world with evil flames.
We are all children of God with the same red blood flowing through us.
Let's forgive everything.
Considering what has been said so far, it is inevitable that a great natural disaster will occur in order to greatly purify Japan in accordance with the Creator's principles.
The Great East Japan Earthquake of 311 was just the beginning.
Next is the Great West Japan Earthquake. Associated with this was the eruption of Mt. Fuji and Mt. Asama.
Great Kanto Earthquake. The order is not certain, but...
Next is the Great West Japan Earthquake. Associated with this was the eruption of Mt. Fuji and Mt. Asama.
Great Kanto Earthquake. The order is not certain, but...
What you should be careful about is that the Illuminati is a top-notch fraud group!
They have tricked the people in the know into getting hold of false information that 3/11 and other disasters were caused artificially by using the artificial earthquake weapon harp, plasma weapons, nuclear weapons, etc., and they are using the internet etc. We are spreading the word.
I trust Mr. K because he says it all!
I'm checking this with Pendulum.
I'm checking this with Pendulum.
Also, one of the methods often used by the Illuminati is ``Kabbalah Numerology''.
This is just another misuse of God's secret law.
Everything is two sides of the same coin, so when it comes to what God is trying to do or what God has accomplished, we interpret it as evil as an afterthought and instill fear in humans.
This is their usual method, so don't be fooled.
Kabbalah is not the devil's secret art !
Illuminati conspiracy theorists are getting this wrong.
Kabbalah is not the devil's secret art !
Illuminati conspiracy theorists are getting this wrong.
Now, please consider the 311 earthquake as a manifestation of your own impurity and apologize.
Please also apologize for the filth of humanity.
Please also apologize for the filth of the evil god.
Please also apologize for the filth of humanity.
Please also apologize for the filth of the evil god.
Because of the lack of love for God and love for humanity, the world of hell was manifested.
What is the point of blaming God or blaming others?
If we don't do it now, when will we do it?
What is the point of blaming God or blaming others?
If we don't do it now, when will we do it?
The mission of the Japanese people, who are the spiritual leaders of the world, is a heavy responsibility. Even the gods lament this lack of awareness.
Therefore, the Great Purification will take place before the rest of the world.
There's no point in crying. Japan is a sinful country.
There's no point in crying. Japan is a sinful country.
Unless the impurity accumulated from our ancestors is wiped out, the coming ``World of Miroku'' or ``Sirius Civilization'' will not be achieved.
Wake up now and walk in God's path!
There's almost no time left!
There's almost no time left!
「 Recommended literature 」
1. 「 数霊に秘められた宇宙の叡智 」
1. 「 数霊に秘められた宇宙の叡智 」
「The wisdom of the universe hidden in the number spirits」
Tsuyoshi Fukada, Miyuki Hasekura Chopsticks / Tokuma Shoten, regular price, 800 yen
number spirits are often received as signs from God or angels, so I use them as a reference every day.
Tsuyoshi Fukada, Miyuki Hasekura Chopsticks / Tokuma Shoten, regular price, 800 yen
number spirits are often received as signs from God or angels, so I use them as a reference every day.
Text published on the page of the introduction
『 数霊(かずたま)、言霊(ことだま)、色霊(いろだま)、形霊(かただま)出揃いて
汝が身に 流るる 音霊(おとだま)のせれば 光透波(ことば)となりて 天音(あまね)く 照らす 』
Kazutama (number spirits), Kotodama(word spirits), Irodama(color spirits), Katadama(form spirits) If you all come together and let the Otodama(sound spirits) flow through your body, Light becomes transparent waves (words) and illuminates the sounds of heaven.
This can be considered a cosmic truth.
2、[ 超図解 ]竹内文書 Ⅰ、Ⅱ
高坂和導 編箸 / 徳間書店、定価、各 1,600円
高坂和導 編箸 / 徳間書店、定価、各 1,600円
[Super illustrated] Takeuchi Documents I, II
Wado Kosaka chopsticks / Tokuma Shoten, regular price, 1,600 yen each
Wado Kosaka chopsticks / Tokuma Shoten, regular price, 1,600 yen each
“Takeuchi Documents” A super revolution in world history
Written by Hie Takeda + Literary Archeology Association / Tokuma Shoten / 1,300 yen
“Takeuchi Documents” A super revolution in world history
Written by Hie Takeda + Literary Archeology Association / Tokuma Shoten / 1,300 yen
ドリーン・バーチュー著 / メディアート出版、定価 2,500円
ドリーン・バーチュー著 / メディアート出版、定価 2,500円
Chakra clearing
Written by Doreen Virtue / Mediat Publishing, regular price 2,500 yen
Explanation of chakras, meditation with CD
Written by Doreen Virtue / Mediat Publishing, regular price 2,500 yen
Explanation of chakras, meditation with CD
5、「エメラルド・タブレット」 エメラルドの石版に刻まれたものが原書
“Emerald Tablet” The original text is engraved on an emerald stone tablet
Tote chopsticks, edited by M. Dorill/Ryuo Bunko/ regular price, 1,700 yen
Tote chopsticks, edited by M. Dorill/Ryuo Bunko/ regular price, 1,700 yen
A holy book written when Ascended Master Thoth turned 50,000 years old.
That was about 20,000 years ago.
That was about 20,000 years ago.
He doesn't look like a sluggish old man. He always maintained the youthful appearance of a man in his 30s.
Thoth was an Atlantean who built the Egyptian pyramids.
After he returned to Shambhala, he was deified and worshiped by the Egyptians.
Thoth was an Atlantean who built the Egyptian pyramids.
After he returned to Shambhala, he was deified and worshiped by the Egyptians.

6、『 カバラの真義 』 M・ドーリル博士箸/霞ヶ関書房、定価、5,000円
“The Truth of Kabbalah” by Dr. Muriel Doreal
Kasumigaseki Shobo, regular price, 5,000 yen
Dr. Muriel Doreal, like Thoth, is a Great Saint (Ascended Master).
In his past life 2,000 years ago, he had the opportunity to hear directly the teachings of Jesus after his resurrection from the cross. Please see ``Bible Truth'' for more information.
In his past life 2,000 years ago, he had the opportunity to hear directly the teachings of Jesus after his resurrection from the cross. Please see ``Bible Truth'' for more information.
``The Truth of Kabbalah'' is an explanation of Kabbalah, along with the memories of a past life lived in the Atlantis era.
Details of the footprints of Archangel Melchizedek and the truth behind the pyramids are also described. It's definitely a must-see.
Fixed stars and planets in the universe are hollow.
Similarly, the Earth is hollow inside.
That world is called "Agartha".
(Referred to as Amenti in the Emerald Tablet)
Similarly, the Earth is hollow inside.
That world is called "Agartha".
(Referred to as Amenti in the Emerald Tablet)
In the center there is an area called ``Shambhala''.
Among them is Earth's "Akashic Records = Library of the Universe."
The Akashic Records are made of "super-giant crystals."
Among them is Earth's "Akashic Records = Library of the Universe."
The Akashic Records are made of "super-giant crystals."
And in the heart of Agartha,
There is a `` 霊的太陽= Central Sun System''.
There is a `` 霊的太陽= Central Sun System''.
The inner world of the earth, ``Agartha'', has a different frequency band from that on the earth's surface.
There are multiple paths to Agartha other than the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle.
There are multiple paths to Agartha other than the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle.
However, both are covered with electromagnetic barriers and are normally impossible to pass through.
The round spaceships that you often see on the internet are mostly made by Agartha.
The round spaceships that you often see on the internet are mostly made by Agartha.

From page 174 “Earth’s interior map”
The black triangle represents the pyramid.
base, 84 meters
height, 140 meters
400 meters long ? What does length mean ?
Am I crazy ? Do you understand ?
Indication at bottom right
below the earth's surface 160km ~ 400km
About spaceships...
Spaceships coming from other planets just show up and do nothing,
To show that humans on Earth are not the only intelligent life forms in the universe,In order to monitor humans so that they do not destroy the earth itself,Also, in the event of a global catastrophe, it is to rescue humans who are transmitting light signals.
These books can be purchased at very low prices online. However, I don't know if there is an English translation. Please look for it yourself.
Now, it's time for "Today's Recommended Number".
This time it will be a piano piece by Debussy. There are a lot of good songs, but here's one that's a favorite...
"Two Arabesques", pianist Monique Aaas.
"Two Arabesques", pianist Monique Aaas.
This is Steve's video. I love this person, so please check it out too.
Well then, please wait for the next article, ``The Essence of Sun Worship Is in Sirius.''