Hello everyone, or good evening・・・ 日本人で、このブログが初見の方は、以下の記事から入られることをお勧め致します。
If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time, we recommend that you start from the article below.
Pray every day, read all signs from God, and always strive for improvement.
These are things that go without saying.
I have strongly conveyed the importance of daily prayer in previous articles.
However, I don't think he specifically mentioned mantras,
which are important when praying.
So, I would like to tell you about `` mantra '', which is a collection
of powerful words that pray to God.
Before that, please refer to my previous article, which describes
the things you need to know when visiting a shrine.
パワースポット巡り Visiting power spots - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama
goo blog
The following is from an article by K.
May 28, 2008
「般若心経 hanya shin gyo」 "Heart Sutra" is the law of the universe
Based on the previous article and the one before the previous article,
I would like to paraphrase the 276 characters of the
摩訶般若波羅蜜多心経 (Makahanya Haramitta Shingyo) together with the angels.
According to my Pendulum Test, when chanting a mantra, it doesn't have to be in Japanese. I'm sure it's possible in other languages as well. If so, check the Buddhist sites in your country's language. This is not an invitation to Buddhism. Please understand that my only ideal faith is the sun faith. Religion does not exist in the universe.
bussetsu maka hannya haramita shingyo
観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空
kanjizai bosa gyojin hannya hara mitaji syoken goun kaiku 度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空
doissai kuyaku sharishi shiki fu iku ku fu ishiki shiki soku zeshiki 空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舎利子 是諸法空相
ku soku zeshiki ju so gyo shiki yaku bu nyoze sharishi ze shoho kuso 不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中
fusho fumetsu fuku fujo fuzo fugen zeko kuuchu 無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
mu shiki mu ju sougyo shiki mugen nibi zesshin ni mushiki shouko misokuho 無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明亦 無無明尽
mu genkai mu ishikikai mu mumyouyaku mu mumyoujin 乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得
naishi mu roushi yaku mu roshijin mu kujyuu metsudo mu chi yaku mu toku 以無所得故 菩提薩垂 依般若波羅蜜多故
i musho tokko bodai satta e hannya hara mitako 心無罫礙 無罫礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想
shin mu keige mu keige ko mu ukufu onri issai tendo muso 究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故
kukyo nehan sanze shobutsu e hannya hara mitako 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多
toku anokutara sanmyaku sambodai kochi hannya haramita 是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪
ze daijinshu ze daimyoushu ze mujoushu ze mutoudoushu 能除一切苦 真実不虚 故説般若波羅蜜多呪
noujo issai ku shinjitsu fuko ko setsu hannya haramitashu 即説呪日 羯諦 羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦
soku sesshu watsu gyatei gyatei hara gyatei hara sougyatei 菩提薩婆訶 般若心経
boji sowaka hannya shingyo
Sutra reading: 松島龍戒 Ryukai Matsushima
English: 大來尚順 Shojun Ogi
Please refer to the video below.
Let me explain about the maka hannya haramita shingyo by Buddha.
When Kannon practiced the abyssal Prajnaparamita (law of the universe),
he determined that the five elements that make up this world
(wood, fire, earth, metal, water) are all "empty".
Son of the Creator, everything in this world that has form, color, is incorporeal,
and the incorporeal sky is actually form, color is emptiness, and sky is color.
Sensations, representations, intentions, and cognitions (conceptual knowledge)
also have no substance.
Son of the Creator, the universe is all incorporeal ``emptiness'', without a
beginning or end, without being born or dying, remaining pure and untainted,
neither increasing nor decreasing.
Therefore, in the empty universe, there is no color; there is no sensation,
representation, intention, or recognition; there are no sensations from the eyes,
ears, nose, tongue, or body; all the five physical senses such as color, voice,
scent, taste, and touch are absent.
There is no visible world, no world consisting only of consciousness, no
darkness that can lead us astray because we cannot see the light,
and such confusion will never run out.
There is no end to old age or death because you will never grow old or die.
Since there is no suffering or cause or cause of suffering, there is no way
to overcome or eliminate pain and suffering.
There is no wisdom or gain, so there is no way to try to obtain this.
All ascended masters have achieved ascension and are in a state of enlightenment,
so they are freed from anxiety and fear and are truly free.
Existing in eternal peace, far from everything that distracts and troubles the mind.
By practicing the mantra of Prajnaparamita (the law of the universe),
all such ascended masters have become able to exist simultaneously
in the past, present, and future, transcending the time and space axes.
They achieved ascension into the multidimensional realm,
which is the true nature of the universe.
This Heart Sutra is a great mantra. The supreme and supreme mantra, He removes all pain and suffering.
This is not something empty and empty, but something real and tangible.
Therefore, let us recite the mantra of hannya haramita shingyo
(the law of the universe).
"Wisdom, O truth, perfect law of the universe, perfect and perfect law
of the universe, enlightenment has already come."
Please refer to previous articles on my blog here.
July 1, 2008
Mantra of Light Part 1 『 延命十句観音経 』 Enmei Jukku Kannon Sutra
“ Life-prolonging ten poems Kannon Sutra ” To protect yourself from attacks from the darkness, or to reflect on your own heart,
shine light on your heart and soul, purify it, and protect yourself and those
around you. Reciting the mantra of light, like shining a light and purifying yourself,
means that you will become your own savior immediately,
That is, you yourself “ You were the savior you had been waiting for for so long.” The intention is to realize that.
From the several " mantras of light " that we will discuss in the future,
you can choose which one to recite, or even if it is another mantra,
choose one that comes to you intuitively and deeply,
and recite it to your heart's content.
``Enmei Jukku Kannon Sutra'' is a Kannon Sutra consisting of 42 characters.
I will translate this together with the angels,
including interpretations from the angelic world.
観世音 南無仏 ( Kanzeon Namubutsu ) 与仏有因 与仏有縁 ( Yobutsu-in Yobutsu-en ) 仏法相縁 常楽我浄 ( Buppou souen Joraku Gajo ) 朝念観世音 暮念観世音 ( Chonen Kanzeon Bonen Kanzeon ) 念念従心起 念念不離心 ( Nen-nenju-shinki Nen-nen-furishin )
I believe in and follow Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva as the foundation of the path of light. We are all connected to each other by the laws of cause and effect
in the name of the laws of the universe, just like the inhabitants of the heavenly world.
By having connections with the inhabitants of the heavenly world and
practicing the laws of the universe, we can maintain peace and quiet
in our hearts and smile happily. You can live your daily life with optimism.
In the morning, I think of Kanzeon Bodhisattva, and in the evening, I think of Kanzeon Bodhisattva. This comes from the inner heart, which is based on good thoughts similar
to those of the inhabitants of the heavenly world,
and these thoughts will never leave the heart.
July 2, 2008
Mantra of Light Part 2 『 光明真言 』Koumyo Mantra
This is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai's mantra in Sanskrit characters,
which is passed down in Esoteric Buddhism and consists of 23 characters + a pause.
空海 Kukai was a master who came from Venus.
Mr. Kukai, who was initiated into the esoteric Buddhism introduced from
India by the monk Keika of China (Tang), once asked the monk Keika
the following question.
“ Where and how does Dainichi Nyorai exist ? ”
Then, the priest Keika said, “ He is here and there, in the great and the small, in everything in the universe.” That's what he answered.
I will translate this together with the angels,
including interpretations from the angelic world.
Om amogha-vairocana maha-mudra mani-padma-jvala pravartaya hum
The literal translation of each of these is
Ohn = sacred sound representing the origin of the universe
amogha = the void
vairocana = Biroshana Buddha
maha-mudra = Something with a big seal mani = Mani Treasure Jewel
padma = lotus flower
jvala = bright light
pravartaya = Let go
hun = rest
It seems that it will be.
In the Lotus Sutra, the inner god is compared to the lotus seed of a lotus flower.
In the name of the laws of the universe, you are a being who
accomplishes anything with good thoughts and puts it into practice.
A being who shines forth wisdom, wisdom, compassion, and light all around.
You are a guidepost that pervades all multidimensional regions
of the universe and illuminates the light from the origin of the universe.
Know the truth, goodness, and beauty of this world well
Just as a lotus flower blooms beautiful and pure even in the mud,
I strive to live a life that allows me to bloom beautiful and pure flowers
without being dominated by conflict, jealousy, anger, arrogance,
or greed in the real world.
Since we are born, we always remember and are conscious of
the fact that divinity resides within this physical body.
Please radiate wisdom, wisdom, compassion, and light,
and please shine so that it radiates from my body as well.
July 3, 2008 Mantra of Light Part 3 『 弁財天真言 』 Benzaiten Mantra
Priest Keika, who answered Mr. Kukai's question last time, is either
a master like Dainichi Nyorai, or a higher-dimensional being beyond that. This means that in the multidimensional realm of the universe,
He can exist in any realm, past, present, and future, all at the same time.
弁財天 Benzaiten = Saraswati and is the god of water.
The gods of all ages, East and West, the gods of the West, the gods of the East,
the gods of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.
are often the same god, just with different names due to differences in
culture and language.
As a side note, there is a large park called Inokashira Park
near Kichijoji Station in Musashino City, Tokyo. There is an urban legend that if a male and female couple goes on
a date by rowing a boat at Inokashira Pond, they will eventually break up (lol)
The origin of this urban legend is that Benzaiten,
who is enshrined on the shore of the pond, is jealous of him.
Is God as narrow-minded as that ?
The day before yesterday, at dawn on the 1st, I was called by Benzaiten
here to come no matter what, so I couldn't stand still,
so I hurriedly went to worship.
Benzaiten, a beautiful and elegant statue, welcomed me.
Why and what basis do you have for saying something like that ? Humans are already selfish... Benzaiten laughed and told me this.
``Benzaiten Mantra'' can be said to be primarily a mantra to bring light
into the fields of academics and the arts.
I will translate this together with the angels,
including interpretations from the angelic world.
Om sarasvatyai svaha
Ohn ( sacred sound representing the origin of the universe )
The supreme goddess of wisdom, wisdom, learning, literature, music, and art.
Fill this body and let it flow Be full of light and blessings
Now, it's time for " Today's Recommended Number " .
「 夏の終りのハーモニー 」玉置浩二
“ Harmony at the End of Summer ” Koji Tamaki
「 Friend 」安全地帯 Safe area