『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama 


Ascension and Reincarnation

2025年03月06日 21時11分33秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

Hello everyone, or good evening...

If you are new to this blog, we recommend you start 
with the following article:

This article is based mainly on 
Mr. K's article and my own subjective opinion.

First, what is Ascension?
In a nutshell, it means achieving liberation 
from the cycle of reincarnation.
In other words, it means raising 
the God level = frequency band to 5.1 dimension.
If we can raise our frequency range to that level, 
we will be freed from the normal cycle of life, of rebirth and death.
Then, you will be liberated from your heavy and dull physical body, 
and you will only exist as a ghost.
For example, joining the Space Federation or the Galactic Federation...
In other words, one will be freed from the difficult 
and painful practice of reincarnation, which involves endless travel between 
the spirit world (the afterlife) and this world.
This way, you will be able to continue studying 
your favorite subjects, arts, etc. forever.
Also, some people may be given a special mission by God.
For example, joining the Space Federation or the Galactic Federation...
You may be able to apply here.
Of course, it is also possible to level up as a god.
However, some people want to be like that, and some don't, 
it's different for each individual...
What about you?

Well, I did some research online about reincarnation and ascension.
If you look into the spiritual industry, 
you will only find a list of lukewarm words, 
and you will not be able to find a clear answer like Mr. K's.
Please feel free to make your own judgment on this matter.
Of course, please also conduct spiritual verification.
In the end, everyone can only walk the path that they are satisfied with.
However, if you are constantly hesitating and unable to make a decision, 
you will not be able to move forward.
All I can say is that it's up to you.
The answer to both God and angels would be similar.
God and angels basically do not help humans.
"For every 99% of human effort, 
        God rewards 1%!"

Currently, the Earth dimensional realms are as follows:
Estimated total population: 8 billion (surface)
Inner world: 18 billion people (Agartha), 900,000 people (Shambhala)
Material dimension domain → 
  4.1-dimensional domain to 4.9-dimensional domain

Spiritual dimensional area → 
  5.0 dimensional area (on the earth's surface), 
  11.1 dimensional area (the entire earth)
Right now, in the next moment, a global cleansing 
and major natural disaster could occur, 
resulting in the loss of many lives.
According to Hitsuki Shinji, two-thirds of 
the world's population will be sacrificed...
A giant meteorite will fall and humanity will be wiped out...
A pole shift will occur and the magnetic poles will reverse...
Major prophets have suggested such theories,
and scientists have warned of the threat of earthquakes and eruptions.
According to Mr. K, life on Earth will become uninhabitable...
Just thinking about Japan alone, a Nankai Trough earthquake, 
an earthquake directly beneath the capital, 
or an eruption of Mount Fuji or another mountain would be a major disaster.
This would have an impact not just on Japan, but on the whole world.
Global natural disasters are driven by the gods' meticulous plan.
I have shown you many times that this is simply because 
the surface of the Earth has become so polluted that 
a major cleanup has been necessary.
That is why all humans have been asked to evacuate from 
the Earth for the time being.
There is no point in discussing now whether humanity 
will be wiped out or whether only a small number of people will survive.
It's at a level where it can't be stopped.
The problem is how to deal with it when it happens.
First of all, if you survive, it will certainly be hell.
One more thing, what will you do if you die? 
What happens?
This is also a big problem.
Happy are those who believe in the superstition 
that life ends when you die.
This is not actually the case, so I will tell you what I know.
This information, of course, comes from Mr. K.
Please view with care.

1. To the Earth's inner world, "Agartha"...

 Only those who fulfill the three conditions of ascension can enter.
◎ Purification of mind and soul has reached 81% out of 100%.
◎ DNA Article 12 has been completely canceled.
◎ Connecting to the network of light and reaching Earth consciousness.
These messages are always conveyed to us clearly by one of 
the heavenly gods through our "inner voice."
For example, if Princess Konohanasakuya gives the OK, 
then ascension is possible.
木花咲耶姫 = Princess Konohanasakuya
In other words, it can be said that telepathic ability is essential.
However, I have telepathic abilities and the ability 
to read Akashic records, so it's okay.
That being said, people who have overconfidence, delusion, 
or misunderstandings will not be able to communicate 
with higher-dimensional gods.
Even Mr. K. was Benjuram testing his own article.
2. Rescued by a spaceship. 
 The rescue takes 1 to 3 seconds.
The alien spacecraft has disappeared and is always 
on hand to rescue you.
So, no matter what dangerous situation you find yourself in, 
do not be afraid.
Of course, this is a matter that only applies 
to residents of light.
 " Conditions for rescue by spacecraft "
◎ Purification of mind and soul has reached 81% out of 100%.
◎ This is possible if Article 10 of DNA has been fully released.
  After that, if you can release your DNA up to 12 strands, you can ascend.
◎ Connecting to the network of light and reaching Earth consciousness.
From an article dated April 2, 2011...
In order to enter the new era, you must meet the condition 
of being a "person with a mark on their soul."
 The above part is omitted...
What are the conditions to become a " person with a mark on his soul " ?
★ Connecting to your own "inner voice" 
  will connect you to the network of light
★ Purification of mind and soul has reached 81% out of 100%.
★ This is possible if Article 10 of DNA has been fully released.
 It's about completing these three things.
These are the conditions for what is called the rapture.
This is the relationship between consciousness and frequency; 
below this state, the consciousness and frequency are too rough and heavy, 
making it impossible to board a spaceship.
In order to board their spaceship, your mind, soul, 
and physical body must be lightened and transformed into 
a more subtle consciousness and frequency range.
Below these conditions, the frequency band does not match, 
and even if you want to board a spaceship, 
or even if aliens want to give you a ride, you will not be able to.
People who are placed within the above conditions have 
a clean and pure mind and soul, and therefore are in 
a state of "absolute peace" and have reached earth consciousness.
This state of consciousness of "absolute peace" is extremely important.
Therefore, it can be said that the conditions for boarding 
a spacecraft are extremely strict.
The first of the above conditions is to connect with your 
own "inner voice" and connect to the network of light, 
which is possible when the purification of your mind and 
soul is more than 41% complete out of 100%.
 (Unfortunately, I haven't reached this point yet.)
At the very least, if this state is ensured, your best spiritual guides 
will do everything in their power to help you avoid any crisis.
However, we are not yet at the stage where we can board a spacecraft.
Purification of the mind and soul is absolutely essential 
and should not be neglected.
Therefore, it is impossible to enter the new era with 
a polluted and impure mind and soul.
3. Return to your home planet.
 " Conditions for returning to your home planet "
◎ Clearing karma (bad deeds, vices, bad deeds).
◎ This can be resolved by accumulating good deeds and secret virtues.

Good deeds = good deeds done towards someone.
Secret virtues = good deeds done towards society without anyone knowing.
◎ Those who lack spiritual or divine understanding should devote 
  themselves to volunteering or other activities 
  that contribute to the local community.
  Your efforts will surely be rewarded by God.
 Of course, that does not mean that you will not be caught up in disasters.
  Physical death is inevitable in order to be reincarnated.
4. Reincarnation into 
 the inner world of Mars or Jupiter.
  Both planets are hell planets!
 Reference article

Each planet is managed by an organization called 
the Space Federation with 10,000 people each.
For approximately 86 billion years, communication with 
other planets will be impossible.
This can be described as eternal reincarnation hell.
Reincarnate on Mars at any time.
It seems that Jupiter has been accepting it since 2010.
So there is a big reason why lower level souls 
are reincarnated on Mars and Jupiter.
This is because lower-level souls engage in cowardly sabotage 
against those who strive to reach the heights of the Creator.
In other words, arrogant authoritarians and lazy, 
base-minded people have hindered the development 
of a healthy civilization.
In this ascension plan, in order to eliminate 
the problems mentioned above, we have decided 
to collect lower-class souls and isolate them on Mars and Jupiter.
The Creator made a painful decision.
If you are aware of this truth and feel a sense of crisis, there is still hope.
Repent now and begin the process of purifying your heart and soul.
We have currently been given a significant extension.
Until that day comes, let's not give up and keep trying until the very end.
It seems that Mars is aimed at people who have little or 
no experience of learning in the material world of Earth.
This means that there will always be conflict between tribes 
and there will be very few times of peace.
 Estimated total population: 4 billion people
  (prepared to accept people from the earth's surface)
 Material dimension domain → 
  1.0-dimensional domain to 3.9-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimension domain → 
  4.0 dimension domain to 4.1 dimension domain
 Estimated total population: 1 billion people
 (As of June 2010, we are accepting 1.2 billion souls 
   from the surface of the earth)

 Material dimension domain → 
  1.0-dimensional domain to 3.9-dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimensional area → 
  4.0 dimensional  domain  ~ 4.1 dimensional domain 
June 11, 2024 P.S. Excerpt from Mr. K's article

As I have been saying, among the human race living 
on the surface of the Earth, those who have already passed away 
are transferring their souls to the inner world of Jupiter.

These are people who have chosen to continue living 
in the three-dimensional material world, 
and each of them has made their own choice.

It is unclear what restrictions exist for either Mars or Jupiter.
Again, this training is basically for the purpose of divinization, 
so it is thought that one's dimensional level may rise 
or fall depending on one's efforts.
As you move up a dimension, it may be possible 
to reincarnate into a relatively safer area.
5. Sirius E → Minerava
 Space prison inside the planet
 Administrator: Anubis

Or, the space prison of Pluto's inner world.

Development is complete, and immigration will begin in 2010.
It is unclear whether the sentence will be eternal 
or what type of sentence will be carried out.
Evil gods and demons such as the Annunaki are imprisoned.
Also, will greedy and selfish royals, aristocrats, 
politicians and other political prisoners be imprisoned?
Even I have a hard time imagining it.
6. Souls that cannot be helped will be disposed of.
It is thought that after their souls have been burned 
for hundreds of years in the ``hellfires'' and all the dirt has been removed, 
they will finally return to their cosmic qualities.
(i.e. assimilation with the Creator)
Only then will pain, suffering, ego, and consciousness disappear.
A very sad end.
And it is so disrespectful to the Creator.

Now, the question here is that even if you aim for ascension, 
if your dream doesn't come true and you return to your home planet, 
will you have no chance in the future ?  That's what it means.
Ascension is the seventh time in the history of the universe.
Up until now, personal ascension promotion tests have been 
conducted from time to time.
I don't think that will change in the future.
In other words, even if you don't make it in time for this ascension plan, 
ascension is possible if you continue to train on your home planet.
The eighth ascension plan will probably be announced at some point.

