

Bob Woodward は世界を救って、Nobel平和賞に値します-2| Bob Woodward saved the world and deserves Nobel Peace Prize-2

2020-11-29 | 時事

パート1から続く https://blog.goo.ne.jp/strategymaster/e/06edd39c7fbb76d61bea01275602bf53

continued from part1 


Lie # 5, "Covid19 is a human-made virus, either deliberately released by the Chinese government or accidentally leaked due to an accident."

Who circulated and perpetuated this lie? Trump, Pompeo, Navarro, Australia mainstream media and government officials, etc.

However, this view point has been denied by the vast majority of virologists. Scholars believe that the characteristics of the virus indicate that it is very unlikely to be an artificial virus, so there is not much market for this slander. Also, like I said for lie # 2, the virus appeared in Italy earlier than in China.

If the virus were truly man-made, then USA is the most likely culprit: https://blog.goo.ne.jp/strategymaster/e/c064d50acee7ab2836d33835a734337c

Lie # 6, "China covered up the pandemic"

This refers to the events around Dr. Li Wenliang.

However, what U.S. government did to Captain Brett Crozier is not much better than what China government did to Li. It reflects some degree of bureaucracy in both governments. To blame China as deliberately misleading the world is too far-fetched. And since China is not even the first place where covid19 happened, so the importance of this event is overstated by the lie. This is esp. true for America. since, 1, U.S. got more cases of Covid-19 from Europe than from China. 2, Trump had more than one months of warning time to prepare for the impact. 3. Data shows that China's handling with covid19 is in fact 100 times better than America's handling.

Lie #7, "Covid19 happened much earlier in China than the current known date"

Some American scholars also joined the witch hunt on China. Brownstein, an epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School and his team produced a paper that claimed that the virus had already broken out in China as early as August 1, 2019. However, it was exposed as a rubbish paper: https://medium.com/@haxer.anon/noble-prize-awarded-by-trump-for-paper-on-covid-19-to-harvard-med-school-epidemiologist-brownstein-3d82c9357ad6).

Based on this rubbish paper, Corey Lewandorski, Trump's campaign manager, claims that:"the people of China have not only been dishonest with the people of United State, but also the people of the world, we need to make sure they are held accountable for that."

Therefore, the targets of the Trump authority have expanded from the China government to all Chinese people. With the help of Trump, ABC News, Fox News, Telegraph, and so on, Brownstein's junk paper and Lewandorski's vicious remarks about Chinese people have spread in a wider range and faster speed than covid-19 virus in the world.

Now it turns out Italy is more likely the country where covid19 first happened while Italy's first officially acknowledged patient-0 was in Feb. 2020 , why don't Trump and his goon Lewandorski jump out and pronounce: "the people of Italy have not only been dishonest with the people of United State, but also the people of the world, we need to make sure they are held accountable for that" ?

Lie #8, "China sends covid19 patents around the world to spread the virus"

This refers to the flood of people who rushed out of China when covid19 broke out in Wuhan, China.

However, the majority of people who traveled out from China are citizens or legal residents of some foreign countries. China has no position to keep them in China. They were often transported by specially arranged chartered airliners by various foreign governments, i.e. they were not sent out of China by China, but by various other countries. For those Chinese citizens who traveled out, they were not from Wuhan. China's stance towards those travels are no different than any other countries in this regard - China are against discrimination. Those people were traveling for personal reasons, and had nothing to do with state sponsored "deliberately spreading the virus". South Korea, has never banned Chinese from entering its border except those specifically from Wuhan. Their consideration is, there were far more Koreans going back from China than Chinese travelling to S. Korea, there is not much added benefit to implement a total travel ban on China. And the final result of S. Korea's handling with covid19 is 100 times better than U.S., which made the much boasted travel ban on China by Trump a joke.

Lie #9, "China's covid19 data is seriously understated."

This is a Trump's gimmick to muddy the water, an attempt to deflect criticism on his stupid handling of the pandemic.

China's data shows that China's handling to the pandemic is 100 times better than that of the Trump administration. Actually many other countries have also achieved this too, e.g. S. Korea, New Zealand, Japan, Australia etc. There are several easily verifiable facts to prove the China data is reliable: China took about two months of draconian lockdown to erase the pandemic to almost zero in one shot, and after that, China has exported huge number of masks, PPE and ventilators (to an eye popping volume), this can not happen if China itself is troubled by the pandemic. Also in order to test the vaccine, China had to cooperate with foreign countries and use foreign volunteers because the virus level in China is so low. China's trade data with other countries have increased significantly, indicating economic growth, in contrast, all countries who suffered serious covid19 have economic decline.

Lie #10, This one is not a specific lie, but there is wide-spread lying and systematic loss of objectivity in U.S. media esp. when it comes to international affair.

For example, Reuters, while reporting the important facts about Italian scientists' discovery of early covid19 happening in Italy. Reuters made a prejudiced explanation: "The study signals that it might have spread beyond China earlier than thought.", https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-timing/coronavirus-emerged-in-italy-earlier-than-thought-italian-study-shows-idUSKBN27V0KF

The virus occurred earlier in Italy than it was discovered in China, from this, it is obviously more natural to infer that the virus was started in Italy first and possibly spread to China later. Why the hell has it to be China that the virus started or spread from?

Lie #4 described earlier is another example.

The loss of objectivity is not limited to affairs related to China, not limited to Reuters, not limited to US media, U.K. Australia etc are all among these.

Maybe western media are permeated by CIA operatives, so they are serving the U.S. national interests as narrated by US government?

The former boss of CIA, current secretary of state, Mike Pompeo said this to students audience at Texas A M University in April 2019: "it’s a tough world out there, when I was a cadet, what’s the cadet motto at West Point? ‘You will not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do.’ I was the CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses for that." To put it in simple and straightforward language, Pomper was teaching students to lie, cheat, steal since he perceive the world as a tough world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCjWAq7563I

I noticed that the American media routinely quote U.S. intelligence as source of information, is this a kind of hidden advertisement by the operatives for their boss? The information about the severity of covid-19 is said to be from the U.S. intelligence, but this is outright bull shit, and there is nothing that is not publicly available about covid19. The main source of information is China or WHO,

I also noticed, when the American media companies fabricate lies, they also like to use the US intelligence agencies as the source, so they can conveniently use "classified information" as an excuse to avoid the burden to provide detailed evidence for the fabrication.

Final words

It's hard to estimate how many hundreds of millions of people around the world have been brainwashed by the lies and hate speeches of Trump administration and Trump supporting media companies. In U.S. and other places, such as Australia, attacks on people of Chinese race out of racial hatred have increased dramatically. Even some Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese have also been attacked because they look like Chinese. The military, political and economic confrontation between the United States and China has intensified. The relationship between the two is like a volcano with rumbling sound from deep underground.

In the efforts to resist Trump administration, American liberals, Democrats, and liberal media, such as CNN, CBS, NBC, New York Times, etc., all have played a significant role. The disclosure of Trump interview recording by Woodward gave the Trump's evil course a pivotal blow.

Truth is the most powerful barricade to warmongers or evil administrations, for world peace, please tell the truth fair and square, for world peace, please reward Bob Woodward with a Nobel Peace Prize.



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