(Johannesburg, November 22, 2024) – The Southern African Development Community (SADC) should publicly condemn the Mozambican authorities’ excessive use of force against postelection protesters, Human Rights Watch said today.
(ヨハネスブルグ、2024年11月22日) 選挙後の抗議運動に対するモザンビーク当局による過度な武力行使を、南部アフリカ開発共同体(以下SADC)は公に非難するべきだ、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は本日述べた。
Since the protests began on October 24, 2024, Mozambican security forces have been implicated in killing at least 30 people throughout the country according to media reports. Human Rights Watch found that security forces indiscriminately fired tear gas into residential areas, exposing children to its effects.
An extraordinary summit of SADC heads of state and government on November 20 in Harare, Zimbabwe, issued a statement that expressed condolences for the lives lost in Mozambique during postelection violence, but failed to criticize the Mozambican security forces for the unlawful use of lethal force.
“SADC has squandered an opportunity to publicly condemn human rights abuses against postelection protesters in Mozambique,” said Allan Ngari, Africa advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “The regional body should call on the Mozambique government to respect the right to peaceful protest under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and immediately cease its use of unnecessary and excessive force.”
In its November 20 statement, SADC pledged to work with Mozambique “in ensuring peace, security and stability through the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.” Yet, the statement did not make any reference to the conduct of the Mozambican security forces during postelection unrest, which has resulted in the killing of dozens of people and injuries to hundreds more.
Postelection tensions in Mozambique escalated dramatically on October 10 when Venâncio Mondlane, an independent candidate supported by the leading opposition party, Partido Optimista pelo Desenvolvimento de Moçambique (Optimistic Party for the Development of Mozambique, known as PODEMOS), claimed victory in the October 9 elections.
On October 24, the election commission declared Daniel Chapo and the ruling party, Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (Mozambique Liberation Front, known as FRELIMO), the winners of the election. Thousands of opposition supporters then peacefully marched in Maputo, the capital, to protest the announced results. Across the country, some protesters burned tires and blocked roads. In response, riot police deployed with dogs and armored vehicles fired live ammunition, rubber bullets, and tear gas to disperse demonstrators, leading to violent standoffs between protesters and security forces in many parts of the country.
Since the unrest began, the authorities said they have detained over 400 people for alleged public disorder, looting shops, destroying public and private property, and an attack on a police station. The Mozambican Bar Association said that lawyers have secured the release of over 2,700 people they believe were detained unlawfully.
Given the ongoing violence against protesters, SADC still has an opportunity to press the Mozambique government and security forces to respect fundamental human rights in line with the SADC Treaty, Human Rights Watch said. SADC should establish a fact-finding mission to investigate abuses against protesters and others and seek accountability in accordance with international standards.
The African Union Guidelines for the Policing of Assemblies by Law Enforcement Officials in Africa provide that law enforcement officials must prioritize nonviolent methods and distinguish between peaceful protesters and those who engage in violence. Isolated acts of violence do not make a protest nonpeaceful. The intentional use of lethal force is prohibited unless strictly unavoidable to protect life. The United Nations Guidelines on Less-Lethal Weapons in Law Enforcement states that tear gas should only be used after appropriate warnings have been issued and protesters have been given time to safely disperse.
アフリカ連合の「アフリカにおける法執行官による集会管理の指導原則」の規定によれば、 法執行官は、強制力(武力)行使に訴える前に非暴力手段を講じると共に、平和的な抗議者と暴力を振るう者を区別しなければならない。独立の暴力行為が、抗議を平和的でないものとすることはない。致死力を伴う武力の意図的行使は、人命保護に不可避な状況を厳しく限定される場合を除き、禁止されている。「法執行における低致死性兵器に関する」2020年国連ガイダンスの規定によれば、催涙ガスは適切な警告が発せられると共に、抗議者が安全に解散する時間を与えられた後にのみ使用できる。
“SADC should press the Mozambican authorities to enforce human rights standards and prevent further loss of life amid the ongoing protests,” Ngari said. “International partners should back a regional fact-finding mission to investigate abuses before, during, and after the October elections, so that those responsible can be held to account.”
「SADCはモザンビーク当局に今も続く抗議運動の最中、人権基準を徹底すると共に、更なる人命損失を防止するよう働きかけるべきです。国際パートナーは、10月選挙の前・最中・その後の人権侵害を調査する周辺地域の事実調査団を支援し、責任者の責任を問わなければなりません。」、と前出のンガリHRW アフリカ・アドボカシー局長は語った。