(New York, June 15, 2009) – Cambodia’s ruling party should cease its threats, harassment, and spurious legal action against opposition members of parliament and lawyers defending free expression, Human Rights Watch said today.
On June 22, 2009, the National Assembly is expected to decide whether to strip the parliamentary immunity of Mu Sochua, a member of the opposition Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) and one of the assembly’s few female members. Stripping Sochua’s immunity would allow a criminal defamation case against her to go forward. The case is based on a complaint by Prime Minister Hun Sen of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), who has also brought defamation charges against her lawyer.
2009年6月22日国会は、野党サム・レインシー(SRP:Sam Rainsy)党員であり数少ない女性国会議員の1人である、ム・ソチュア(Mu Sochua)に対する国会議員の不処罰特権を、剥奪するかどうかを決定すると見込まれている。ソチュアの不処罰特権剥奪は、彼女に対する名誉毀損刑事訴訟の進展に道を開くものである。この訴訟は与党カンボジア人民党(CPP)のフン・セン首相による告訴状を根拠しているが、首相は彼女の弁護士に対する名誉毀損容疑も提訴している。
“Hun Sen has a long history of trying to muzzle Cambodia’s political opposition and undermine the independence of the legal profession,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “This most recent case should be ringing alarm bells among Cambodia’s donors, particularly those who fund judicial and legal reform.”
On April 23, Sochua and her lawyer announced her intention to file a defamation complaint against Hun Sen for allegedly making derogatory comments about her, accusing her of “inciting” problems and acting like a gangster. Hun Sen responded by filing defamation suits against both Sochua and her lawyer, Kong Sam On.
On June 10, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court dismissed Sochua’s lawsuit against the prime minister, claiming that no defamation occurred, while continuing to process his counter-suit against her.
Kong Sam On, one of the few private lawyers in Cambodia willing to represent opposition officials in high-profile court cases, is also being targeted for his involvement in the case. In addition to Hun Sen’s defamation suit against him, Hun Sen’s lawyer, Ky Tech, has filed a complaint with the Cambodian Bar Association accusing Kong Sam On of violating the lawyers’ code of ethics.
重要裁判事件で政府反対勢力の者の代理人となることに同意する、カンボジアで数少ない民間弁護士の1人である、コン・サム・オンも又、この裁判へ関与したために標的にされている。フン・センの彼に対する名誉毀損訴訟に加えて、フン・センの弁護士であるキー・テチ(Ky Tech)はカンボジア弁護士会に、コン・サム・オンが弁護士倫理規定に違反している、と告訴状を提出した。
The supposedly independent Bar Association has historically been subject to interference by senior government officials. In 2005, for example, the politically controlled court system overturned the election of an independent candidate as president of the Bar Association, who was replaced by Ky Tech, the government-backed candidate.
“Kong Sam On faces being suspended or even disbarred for simply representing the interests of his client,” said Adams. “This will have a chilling effect on Cambodia’s legal profession and the willingness of lawyers to represent the opposition party or other people who file complaints against government officials.”
Other SRP members of parliament may also be under threat. Since late April when Sochua filed her lawsuit, government and ruling party officials have filed a series of lawsuits against individuals affiliated with the SRP. These include a defamation suit by the Phnom Penh Municipal Governor against party leader Sam Rainsy; a suit by a group of military officers against SRP parliamentarian Ho Vann, alleging defamation and incitement; and a suit by Deputy Prime Minister Sok An against Heng Chakra, editor of an SRP-affiliated newspaper, alleging incitement.
他のSRP国会議員も又脅迫されているようだ。ソチュアが告訴した4月下旬以来、政府高官と与党幹部は、SPR傘下にある個人に対して一連の訴訟を提起してきた。プノンペン自治体知事によるSRP指導者サム・レイシーに対する名誉毀損訴訟;軍将校のグループによるSRP国会議員ホ・ヴァン(Ho Vann)に対する名誉毀損及び扇動容疑での訴訟;副首相ソク・アン(Sok An)によるSRP傘下の新聞編集者ヘン・チャクラ(Heng Chakra)に対する扇動容疑での訴訟などである。
Opposition figures convicted on politically motivated charges after their parliamentary immunity was lifted include Cheam Channy, an SRP member convicted in a biased trial in 2005 on unsubstantiated charges of creating a rebel army, and Sam Rainsy himself the same year for allegedly defaming government leaders.
国会議員に対する不処罰特権が剥奪された後、政治的動機に基づいた容疑で有罪判決を受けた野党幹部には、SRP党員で2005年にあった偏向裁判で、反乱軍を創設しようとしたという根拠のない容疑で有罪にされたチェアム・チャニー(Cheam Channy)、そして同じ年に政府指導者への名誉毀損容疑で有罪になったサム・レインシーがいる。
“These lawsuits are a clear attempt to intimidate the opposition and prevent members of parliament from exercising free expression,” said Adams. “Even by Cambodian standards, the state of freedom of expression and democratic rights is growing more fragile by the day.”