(Washington, DC October 10, 2014) – Draft World Bank policies under consideration at the bank’s meeting on October 10-12, 2014, would dangerously roll back protection for communities affected by bank projects, independent groups said today.
Foreign ministers and central bankers are meeting in Washington, DC, to discuss key challenges in ending poverty and inequality. For human rights groups and community representatives, a critical issue is the World Bank’s revision of its safeguard policies, which are intended to protect people and the environment from harm. The World Bank and its member countries cannot end poverty and promote shared prosperity without protecting the rights of people affected by development investments.
“While it may appear that the World Bank invests in improving human rights around the world, its current policies do not even mention this word,” said Mohamed Abdel Azim of the Egyptian Center for Civil and Legislative Reform. “Communities need better protection from the damages these projects can cause.”
This a renewed call made in July by the Bank on Human Rights Coalition to World Bank President Jim Kim and World Bank member countries to make an explicit commitment to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights in all of the bank’s activities.
“First of all, the World Bank should listen to the advice and expertise of local people – especially women,” said Moon Nay Li of the Kachin Women’s Association, Thailand. “We want development too – but usually the benefits go somewhere else. The World Bank actually needs to have stronger protections.”
The draft policy includes a highly controversial provision which would allow a government to “opt-out” of applying specific protections for indigenous peoples if it believes requiring the protections would raise ethnic conflict or contravene constitutional law, essentially rendering protections for indigenous peoples optional.
“Indigenous peoples’ recommendations to strengthen World Bank standards and bring them into line with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples have fallen on deaf ears,” said Joji Carino, Forest Peoples Programme director. “World Bank pledges on ‘no-dilution’ of existing policies are being broken with this proposed opt-out, despite advances made in other substantive areas of the new proposals.”
While the World Bank announced that there would be consultations on the draft policy in locations around the world before the end of 2014, many dates and locations, even for October consultations, have not been published. Groups are demanding an extension of the consultation period and an expansion of the consultation plans to make the consultations fully accessible for all marginalized groups in borrower countries.
“The World Bank’s first draft of the new environmental and social framework represents a hazard for the entire international development community,” said Mariana Gonzalez Armijo, researcher at Fundar Centro de Análisis e Investigación, an independent organization in Mexico. “This shift would encourage countries to accelerate investment without clear rules to protect the environment and human rights.”
The groups urged the World Bank to:
- Include local communities’ development priorities and plans when designing development projects;
- 開発の計画段階で地元コミュニティーの優先事項と改革を取り入れること
- Ensure full and effective participation by all potentially affected communities, particularly indigenous peoples and marginalized groups;
- 影響を受ける可能性のある全コミュニティー、特に先住民と周辺化されたグループによる十分で実効ある参加を保証すること
- Make an explicit commitment not to support activities that will cause, contribute to, or exacerbate human rights violations and instead assess how projects will end poverty and advance human rights, including equality;
- 人権侵害をもたらし、人権侵害の一因となり、或は人権侵害を悪化させる活動を支援しないよう明確に約束すること、更に計画が如何に貧困を撲滅し、平等を含めた人権を進展させるのか評価すること
- Prohibit all forms of discrimination identified in international law within bank-financed projects, including discrimination on the basis of political or other opinion and language, which are left out of the current draft;
- 世界銀行が融資する計画において、現行草案から外されている、政治的その他の意見・言語を根拠とした差別を含む、国際法で認定されたあらゆる形態の差別を禁止すること。
- Assess the human rights impacts of all World Bank activities and ensure that safeguards are in line with international human rights standards;
- 世界銀行の全活動による人権への影響を評価すること、セーフガードが国際的な人権保護規範に沿うよう保証すること
- Protect indigenous peoples’ collective land and resource rights and require their free, prior, and informed consent for projects, in line with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and eliminate the new opt-out clause; and
- 先住民族の土地及び資源に関する共有権を、「先住民族の権利に関する国連宣言」に沿って保護すること、先住民に計画に関する事前の十分な説明を行い、自由意思による同意を得るのを義務付けること、先住民保護を任意とする規定を破棄すること
- Ensure that anyone harmed by World Bank-funded activities has access to effective remedy. The World Bank should take responsibility where harm occurs and take whatever measures are necessary to provide redress.
- 世界銀行の融資活動で危害を受けた個人は誰でも、実効ある救済を受けられるよう保証すること。救済提供に必要であれば、如何なる措置をも講じること。