
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 4年が経過しても、平和的な抗議者は行方不明のまま


Marking the Four-Year Anniversary of the Beginning of the “Tishreen Movement,” NGOs Urge Iraqi Authorities to Clarify the Fate and Whereabouts of Peaceful Protesters Who Are Still Forcibly Disappeared


October 1, 2023, marks the four-year anniversary of the beginning of the anti-government protests, known as the “Tishreen Uprising” that erupted in multiple governorates across Iraq. Demonstrations over unemployment, corruption, and poor public services were met with excessive and unnecessary use of lethal force including live ammunition to disperse demonstrators, resulting in significant deaths and injuries, as stated in the mission report of the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearance’s (CED) visit to Iraq, presented on April 5, 2023. Their report also referred to the abductions and arbitrary detentions of protesters, many of whom remain forcibly disappeared.


In its 2021 annual report, the CED explained that it reported on 28 requests for urgent action related to the disappearance of persons who either had participated in the October 2019 protests , or who had provided some kind of support to participants. While 12 of these urgent actions have been closed after the persons were located and released, as of 1 April 2021, the Iraqi authorities had yet to provide a reply to 13 of the remaining requests.


Even more concerning, the Iraqi authorities have yet to provide any information on the steps taken to search for the disappeared persons or to investigate their disappearance.


Among those who remain missing to date are:


  • Abdel-Messih Romeo Jean Sarkis, a daily worker from Baghdad, who was abducted on the night of March 1, 2020, at al-Kuhlani square.
  • アブドゥル・マシ・ロム・ジェーン・サーキス


  • Osama al-Tamimi, a freelance photographer, who disappeared on January 2, 2020, near al Tahrir square in Baghdad. He had documented the protests with his camera and was abducted when returning home.
  • オサマ・アル・タミミ


  • Tawfiq Mohamad Hasan Atwan al-Tamimi, a journalist and editor, who disappeared on March 9, 2020, in the Ur neighbourhood of Baghdad. He had posted content on Facebook calling for the release of Mazen Latif, a publisher and writer disappeared in February 2020.
  • タウフィク・ムハンマド・ハッサン・アトン・アル・タミミ


  • Mahmoud Ali Khaz’al Alak al-Shuwaili who disappeared on December 2, 2019, at Tahrir square in Baghdad after leaving the broadcast of a football game at the square. Mahmoud had attended most of the protests. He was seen by a former detainee inside Baghdad airport prison in August 2020.
  • マフムード・アリ・タケアル・アル・シュワイリ


  • Ali Jasib Hattab al-Heliji, a human rights lawyer, who was abducted in the Iraqi city of Amarah on October 8, 2019.
  • アリ・ジャセブ・ハータブ・アル・ヘリジ


  • Sajjad al-Mishrifawi (also known as Sajjad al-Iraqi), a prominent activist who disappeared on September 19, 2020, after he and his friend were attacked by several militiamen in his car in the al-Azirj area.
  • セジャディ・アル・ムシャリフォウ(セジャディ・アル・イラキとしても知られる)


The Iraqi government must take urgent action to address the devastating issue of enforced disappearances in the country, as per the priority recommendations set out by the CED in its mission report, and as urged by 70+ civil society organisations earlier this year.


In particular, Iraq should incorporate the crime of enforced disappearance into its domestic law as an autonomous offence. Following its visit, the Committee found that “the legislative silence on enforced disappearance is accompanied by the absence of specific procedures for the search for disappeared persons and corresponding investigation”, adding that it “fuels the confusion between the notions, thereby preventing the clear identification of the scope of the crime and responsibility of the State.” The CED therefore urged the Iraqi government to “create a single legal framework to address all cases of enforced disappearance”.


In addition, the Committee also requested to put an end to “practices that hinder access to justice and perpetuate enforced disappearance, including through the amendment of the legislation that conditions victims’ access to their rights to the outcome of unreliable security screenings” as it constitutes “another factor of impunity”.


Four years since the abduction of peaceful protesters, impunity continues to prevail, and families have yet to receive truth. Therefore, we, the undersigned organisations, urge Iraqi authorities to take the necessary steps to clarify the fate and whereabouts of the disappeared and to take all measures needed to implement the recommendations made by the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances.


List of signatories: 署名団体のリスト

Al-Haq Foundation for Human Rights 


Building Foundation for Training and Development



Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor ユーロ・メディ・ヒューマン・ライツ・モニター

Iraqi War Crime Documentation Centre イラク・ワークライム・ドキュメンテイションセンター

Human Rights Watch ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ

Human Rights Foundation ヒューマン・ライツ・ファウンデイション

HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement


MENA Rights Group メナ・ライツ・グループ

Sanad Albasrah Organization for Human Rights


Tadaruk Organisation for Human Rights and Democracy


The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP)


Tishreen Organisation for Human Rights




ティシュリーン運動に関する報告書「To Sleep the Low」からの抜粋です

Uprising, Violence, and Unaccountability  蜂起・暴力・説明責任は果たされず

In the fall of 2019, Iraqis in central and southern Iraq took to the streets in the hundreds of thousands calling for the downfall of the political system(that was constructed after the US- and UK-led invasion of the country in 2003)under which they had been governed for the better part of two decades. The protests began on October 1 and continued for eight days, and then resumed on October 25 and continued for months. The spread of the uprising and the steadfastness of the protesters forced then-prime minister Adel Abdul Mehdi to resign, a first in Iraq’s contemporary history, and a key demand of the demonstrators at the time.


Protesters demanded Abdul Mehdi’s resignation in part because of the violent response to the protest movement that his government oversaw and for which protesters deemed his government responsible. State security personnel and armed groups formally tied to and supported by public institutions deployed to quash the uprising. Between October 2019 and April 2020, these forces killed at least 487 demonstrators during protests across central and southern Iraq. As Human Rights Watch documented at the time, unidentified armed forces and state security forces seemingly worked in cooperation to kill protesters.


Protesters continued to fill the streets even after the resignation of Abdul Mehdi’s government. In their list of demands, demonstrators implicated not only the ruling government as the cause of their plight but rather the entire ethnosectarian political system that was established during, and facilitated by, the US and UK occupation of Iraq after 2003. This system, demonstrators insisted, was the cause of structural problems across Iraq, such as poor public services, including electricity and clean water, and a lack of jobs and economic opportunity, especially among a growing youth population, or “Generation 2000” coming of age in post-2003 Iraq.


Protesters remained in the streets not just in Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, but across several southern cities, including Nasriya, Amara, and Basra. The geography of these protests remains important. Iraq’s southern provinces and cities are populated predominantly by Shia Arabs, those of the same sect as the dominant political parties that today govern Iraq. The mass discontent in these parts of the country further challenges a stubbornly dominant yet crude and simplistic narrative about Iraq, that the country is plagued by ethnosectarian divisions and requires a political system that apportions representation along ethnic and religious identity.


The 2019-2020 uprising threatened the entirety of the political system and the collection of political and armed actors who dominate and benefit from it. This existential threat is arguably what prompted a collection of influential parties from across Iraq’s political spectrum to coalesce around a strategy of violence and killing aimed at ending the protest movement.


The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF, or al-hashd al-sha‘bi) formed in 2014 in response to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS, or Daesh) capture of one-third of Iraq’s territory from a hollowed-out Iraqi military. The PMF, which grew to a collection of nearly 60 armed groups of different political affiliations, was vital to recapturing that territory on behalf of Iraqi authorities. However, some of these groups – namely those that by many years predated the formation of the PMF – were implicated in a host of abuses during and after their operations against ISIS, as previously documented by Human Rights Watch.


The power of these groups took on a different hue in February 2016, when then-prime minister Hayder al-Abadi decreed by executive order that the PMF would report to the head of the Iraqi armed forces, who is the prime minister. This order was further formalized and legalized in November of that same year, when the Iraqi parliament passed a law formally integrating the PMF into Iraq’s security forces. This incorporation of the PMF into the security forces makes the country’s prime minister ultimately responsible for the actions and decisions of the PMF and the parties that comprise it, though the prime minister’s control over these groups is more de jure than de facto.


The PMF is not a coherent entity but an amalgamation of fragmented groups, some of which fall into different camps with esoteric political agendas that do not always align. But their formal collective status as part and parcel of the Iraqi security forces is important context for how some PMF component groups have been able to carry out violence against protesters with impunity.


For example, individuals and groups implicated in assassination operations against activists have been able to easily move around and across different cities to undertake killings. As discussed later in this report, families of those killed and survivors of assassination attempts persistently question how it is possible that would-be assassins can easily enter and exit residential areas that are purportedly secured by other segments of the Iraqi security forces, such as federal police or the military. Part of the answer lies in the fact that some armed groups, as part of the PMF, are permitted to bypass security procedures and infrastructure, such as urban checkpoints. Put differently, Iraqi state imprimatur over the PMF helps to facilitate the killing of activists that the Iraqi government claims it protects.


Meanwhile, against continued violence from a collection of Iraqi state security actors and factions, the protest movement persisted. Demonstrations continued into March 2020, before activists were forced into their homes due to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. This taming of protest activity did not mean that the most important demands of demonstrators were fully met – nor that the violence directed at them would stop. Violence against protesters continued even after the slow dispersal of protesters over those early-pandemic weeks, and after the formation of a new government in May 2020 under the premiership of Mustafa al-Kadhimi. Unidentified armed groups continued to threaten prominent activists across Iraq and ultimately disappeared or assassinated many.


Former Prime Minister al-Kadhimi came into power on the back of the largest Iraqi uprising in decades. Soon after occupying his post, he promised accountability for violence against protesters, insisting he would bring to justice those responsible for disappearing tens of activists, killing hundreds, and injuring tens of thousands more. In October 2020, al-Kadhimi formed a governmental fact-finding mission to investigate the violence against protesters since October 1, 2019, including to determine who was responsible.


Since the establishment of the committee, however, the prime minister’s office has not publicly published any information about the findings of its work. In two recent reports on accountability in Iraq, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said that it has only been able to obtain limited information about the work and findings of the prime minister’s committee.


Since 2019, Human Rights Watch has documented cases of targeted assassinations of prominent activists, disappearances, and injuries. This report further examines this persistent violence in order to explore any progress made on legal accountability long promised by the Iraqi government, as well as to document any financial compensation received by families of those killed or injured as a result of their participation in peaceful protests.


Despite political promises and nominal efforts at achieving legal accountability, the cases in this report show how the Iraqi government has failed to ensure those responsible for killing, disappearing, and injuring protesters are held to account. The Iraqi government has made more progress in the area of financial compensation for violence against protesters. But the cases documented, along with other available evidence, suggest this has predominantly come in the form of payments to the families of slain protesters – almost as a replacement for legal accountability for those implicated in the killings.


Some protesters who have suffered significant injuries during protest activities, as well as those targeted for assassination because of their participation in the protest movement, have also received partial compensation for their injuries. But successful compensation claims for those injured often lag, sometimes for years, and those injured are often left out of pocket as they seek compensation (because of legal costs), or when they are denied the compensation for which they applied. The delays and bureaucratic hurdles further suggest the Iraqi government is falling short of meeting its responsibility to provide long-term quality care for those maimed and scarred for a lifetime.


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