
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イスラエル:レバノン国内のジャーナリスト攻撃は明らかに故意(後半)


Background 背景

The Israeli strikes are taking place in the context of increased tensions along the Lebanon-Israeli border. Rocket and missile attacks and armed clashes between the Israeli army and various Palestinian and Lebanese armed groups, including Hezbollah, have been ongoing since October 8, the day after the Hamas-led attack in southern Israel resulted in the killing of about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, according to the Israeli government. Hamas and Islamic Jihad took more than 200 people hostage, including children, people with disabilities, and older people.


As of December 5, more than 16,200 people, including thousands of civilians, and more than 7,100 children have been killed, and more than 1.8 million people displaced, amid heavy bombardment and military operations in Gaza by Israeli forces since October 7. Israeli authorities have cut electricity, water, fuel, and food to the civilian population in Gaza, which amounts to collective punishment. This exacerbated an already dire humanitarian situation that existed as a result of Israel’s 16-year unlawful closure, which is part of the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution being committed by Israeli authorities against Palestinians. In the West Bank, Israeli forces and settlers have killed 243 Palestinians between October 7 and December 3, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).


Since October 7, Israeli attacks have killed at least 56 Palestinian journalists, mostly in Gaza, and at least 4 Israeli journalists were killed in the Hamas-led attacks in southern Israel on October 7, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). The organization said that the first month of the hostilities in Israel and Gaza was “the deadliest month for journalists” since the organization began documenting journalist fatalities in 1992.


Human Rights Watch verified the use of artillery projectiles containing white phosphorous in south Lebanon by Israeli forces, in addition to an indiscriminate attack on civilians on November 5, amounting to a possible war crime. Israeli forces also used white phosphorous in the densely populated Gaza city port, as Human Rights Watch documented. As of November 23, Israeli attacks in Lebanon have reportedly killed at least 15 civilians, according to an AFP tally, in addition to at least 85 Hezbollah fighters, according to media reports. Rocket and missile strikes and other attacks into Israel by Hezbollah and armed Palestinian groups in Lebanon have reportedly killed at least three civilians and six soldiers.


Hezbollah’s secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, suggested in a televised speech on November 3 that attacks by Israel on civilians in Lebanon would be met with retaliatory attacks on civilians in Israel. Under international humanitarian law, belligerent reprisals against civilians are prohibited. Parties to a conflict are obligated to abide by international humanitarian law irrespective of the conduct of other parties. Laws-of-war violations by one party do not justifyの violations by another.


In total, three Lebanese journalists had been killed by Israeli strikes as of November 21, according to the CPJ. On November 21, two Lebanese journalists, Rabih Al-Maamari and Farah Omar, along with their driver, Hussein Akil, were reported killed in an Israeli strike in the southern Lebanese town of Tayr Harfa, 2.3 kilometers from where Issam Abdallah was killed. The journalists were reporting for Al Mayadeen TV, a Lebanon-based pan-Arab television station politically allied with Hezbollah and the Syrian government.

CPJ によれば、11月21日現在、イスラエルの攻撃によってレバノン人ジャーナリストは3人殺されている。11月21日に今回の攻撃でイサーム・アブダラーが殺された場所から、2.3km離れた所にある、レバノン南部の町タイル・ハルファへのイスラエル軍による攻撃で、レバノン人ジャーナリスト2人、ラビ・アル・マーマリとファラ・オマルが運転手フセイン・アキルと共に殺されたと伝えられている。2人は、ヒズボラ及びシリア政府と政治的に同盟関係にあるレバノンに本拠を置く汎アラブTV局アル・マヤディーンTVのために取材をしていた。

October 13 Timeline of Key Events 10月13日における主要な出来事のタイムライン

The following timeline is based on analysis conducted by Human Rights Watch’s Digital Investigations Lab and other researchers of 49 videos, dozens of photographs, witness statements, and media reports from October 13, the day of the attack.


4:45 p.m. After filming in Naqoura, in southern Lebanon, the crew from Al Jazeera, consisting of Carmen Joukhadar, a reporter, and Elie Brakhya, a cameraman, arrives on site at the hilltop in Alma al-Shaab. They set up their cameras and prepare to go live.


4:55 p.m. The Al Jazeera team broadcasts their first live coverage. Joukhadar can be heard on video saying that Israeli tank fire was reported in Alma al-Shaab but that, according to Lebanese security sources, no rockets were fired from Lebanon, despite reports of infiltration attempts into Israel by armed groups. The impact of the strikes is captured on camera in several locations across the Lebanon-Israel border. Human Rights Watch confirmed the site of the strikes captured on camera to be about 1-2 kilometers away from the journalists. Joukhadar says that helicopters can be heard flying in the air, and Brakhya captures on camera a helicopter flying over the border area.


Around 5 p.m. The Reuters and AFP crews, consisting of Issam Abdallah, Maher Nazeh, Thaer al-Sudani, Dylan Collins, and Christina Assi, join Al Jazeera at Alma al-Shaab.


5:03 p.m. The Israeli military shares a post on Telegram saying that a “short while ago, there was an explosion at the security fence adjacent to the community of Hanita,” which was lightly damaged, and that they are responding with artillery fire toward Lebanese territory. The Israeli military adds that there has been an infiltration into Hanita and Israeli soldiers are searching the area.


5:24 p.m. The Al Jazeera team broadcasts their second live coverage on site. Joukhadar can be heard saying that, after a pause of a few minutes, Israeli strikes on the area near Alma al-Shaab have resumed, hitting areas from southwest Lebanon in Naqoura to Alma al-Shaab. Joukhadar says that there has been a failed infiltration attempt into Israel from Lebanon, to which Israeli forces responded with tank fire into areas near the border fence. Joukhadar also says that an Israeli helicopter and an unmanned aerial vehicle can be heard flying over Alma al-Shaab. The Al Jazeera camera captures several strikes across various areas in Alma al-Shaab. Human Rights Watch geolocated the strikes’ impact areas to be between 1 and 2 kilometers from the site.


Around 5:40 p.m. A Reuters camera captures the sound of tank fire, and smoke is seen billowing up from a location approximately 1.5 kilometers from the journalists.


5:53 p.m. The Israeli military shares a post on Telegram saying that “a short while ago, incoming fire was identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory by the Lebanese border” and that Israeli soldiers are responding with tank and artillery fire toward the source of the live fire. The Times of Israel reported that the gunfire was identified to be around the town of Misgav Am, which is 35 kilometers from the journalists.


5:54 p.m. Elie Brakhya, the Al Jazeera cameraman, sends a selfie of himself and Issam Abdallah to a WhatsApp group chat. In the photo, both Brakhya and Abdallah are wearing blue ballistic vests with “PRESS” labels and helmets. The AFP photojournalist, Christina Assi, can be seen behind them sitting on the short concrete wall that was later struck.


5:58 p.m. A Reuters camera pans over to the Israeli military location at Hanita. A tank can be seen firing off a round to an area in southwest Lebanon, approximately 3 kilometers from the journalists. The tank then moves downhill and out of sight.


6:02 p.m. The AFP journalist, Dylan Collins, pulls out his phone and films, with an iPhone 12 Pro Max, the Hanita military location. His phone camera captures quick and successive flashes of light, coming from the military location. Two TV cameras filming from the same location recorded this light as static, not blinking. In a video from a fourth camera, a mirrorless camera that recorded the same scene from the exact same location, the light is not visible. Experts say that the discrepancy among four cameras shooting the exact same scene could be proof that the light in question is near-infrared light and could be evidence of the use of lasers used for targeting or range-finding from the Israeli position.

午後6時2分・・・AFP社のディラン・コリンズ記者がアイフォン 12 プロ・マックスを取り出して、ハニタのイスラエル軍陣地を撮影した。彼の携帯電話に備え付けのカメラは、軍陣地から来た、短時間で連続的な光の点滅を捉えている。全く同じ位置から撮影していた2台のテレビカメラにその光は、瞬かない静止したものとして映っている。同じ場所から同じシーンを撮影した、ミラーレスカメラである4台目のカメラには、その光が映っていない。全く同じシーンを撮影した4台のカメラにおける映像の相違は、問題の光が近赤外線である決定的証拠になる可能性があり、イスラエル陣からの標的設定あるいは距離測定にレーザーが使われた証拠になる可能性もある、と専門家は指摘している。

These four cameras were all pointed toward the Israeli military location in Hanita and recorded as the munitions struck their location. A loud explosion is heard, followed by screams coming from the journalists on site. Thirty-seven seconds later another munition landed on the journalists’ position.


A live feed by the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI) TV crew, about 120 meters from the journalists, also captured the sound of both strikes hitting the journalists. Thirty seconds before the strike, an LBCI reporter can be heard saying that an Apache helicopter is flying in circles over the area, as well as an unmanned aerial vehicle, and a reporter can be heard saying that fire from automatic weapons can be heard for the first time, which are not audible on their live feed. After the second strike, LBCI’s camera panned over to the location of the AFP, Reuters, and Al Jazeera journalists. Fire and black smoke can be seen billowing from the site.


The LBCI TV crew temporarily cut their coverage and then continued filming from the site of the strike. After the filming resumed, minutes later, an ambulance and civil defense truck can be seen on site. A crater near the car’s engine on the driver’s side is clearly visible as well. Issam Abdallah’s body is seen lying on the ground, behind a short concrete rock wall.

LBCIの TVクルーは取材を一時止め、その後は着弾地点から撮影を続けた。撮影再開の数分後、救急車と民間防衛隊のトラックがそれぞれ1台、現場に来ているのが映っている。その車の運転席側エンジン近くにある1つのクレーターもはっきり見える。イサーム・アブダラーの遺体が、コンクリートと石で出来た低い塀の後ろ側、地面に横たわっているのが映っている。

Weapons Analysis  使用された兵器への分析

Photos of the remnants, reviewed by Human Rights Watch and confirmed to have been found at the site of the strike, show that one of the munitions that struck the journalists was a fin-stabilized 120mm tank shell. The remnants of the shell were located a few meters away from Abdallah’s body.


Human Rights Watch could not identify the remnants of the second munition.


Audio Analysis 音響分析

Expert audio analysis by two independent groups indicates that the launch site for the first munition was between 1.45 and 1.8 kilometers from the journalists’ location and most likely fired from the southeast. The location identified by the witnesses, Jordeikh in northern Israel, is approximately 1.5 kilometers southeast of the journalists’ location.


Thirty seconds after the second strike, cameras recorded audio of small arms rounds being fired from an unidentified source. Expert audio analysis and witness statements indicate that the bullet rounds did not originate from a site near the journalists. Audio experts’ analyses suggest that the source of fire was hundreds of meters away, but the exact distance could not be calculated. In interviews, witnesses at the site all said that the sounds of the bullets appeared to have come from the direction of the Israeli military location near Hanita, southwest of the journalists’ location. Human Rights Watch could not definitively verify the location from which the bullets were fired.


Expert audio analysis also identified the sound of an unmanned aerial vehicle above the journalists and indicated that it circled near the journalists’ position 11 times in the 25 minutes before the first strike. Witnesses at the site all said that they could hear a drone above them. Human Rights Watch was not able to independently determine the make of the aerial vehicle.


The movement of the aerial vehicle over the journalists and its flight pattern in proximity to an Israeli Apache helicopter, in addition to documented reports of Israeli UAV flights over south Lebanon, suggest that the vehicle is likely Israeli. At 7:40 p.m., on October 13, the Israeli military shared a post on social media stating that “An IDF UAV is currently striking terrorist targets belonging to Hezbollah in Lebanon.” A November 2023 UNIFIL report indicated that Israeli UAV flights over south Lebanon accounted for more than 80 percent of the Israeli military’s 188 airspace violations in Lebanon between June and October 2023.


Surveillance Towers 複数の監視塔

Human Rights Watch identified five border surveillance towers at nearby Israeli military positions. Topographical data and photo and video evidence verified by Human Rights Watch suggest that the towers, at military positions near the Israeli towns of Hanita, Jordeikh and Shlomi, each employ cameras and sensors and had a direct line of sight with the journalists’ position. Four of the towers were between 1.8 and 2.2 kilometers from the journalists, and the fifth was 5.5 kilometers away.

HRWは、近くのイスラエル軍所在地に5つの国境監視塔を確認した。HRWが検証した地形学的データと写真とビデオの証拠は、イスラエルの町ハニタ、ジョルデイク、シュロミ近くにある軍陣地にある塔が、それぞれカメラとセンサーを備えており、ジャーナリストたちのいた所を直接視界に入れていたことを示唆している。塔の内 4 つは、ジャーナリストたちから 1.8 ~ 2.2 kmの距離にあり、5 つ目は 5.5 km離れていた。

These surveillance towers found along the border with Lebanon and in southern Israel, are commonly equipped with advanced surveillance sensors, such as the “SPEED-ER” system. These platforms can, according to the manufacturer, identify human beings at a distance of 5 kilometers and vehicles at 10 kilometers, and can provide video, thermal and infrared imaging, as well as targeting capability. Human Rights Watch was unable to confirm if the five towers near the journalists’ position were equipped with the “SPEED-ER” camera platform.


However, the towers’ position within line of sight of the journalists, along with evidence of drone and helicopter flights and other surveillance capabilities, suggest that the journalists were most likely visible and identifiable to the Israeli military at the time of the attack.


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