(Bangkok, January 16, 2025) – The rise of a new leader in Vietnam following a power shake-up in mid-2024 brought no reprieve from the government’s relentless repression of human rights, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025. The Vietnamese authorities prohibit independent rights groups, labor unions, media, religious groups, and all other organizations that operate outside government control.
(バンコク、2025年1月16日) ベトナムでは2024中頃から起きた権力構造の刷新に続いて、新指導者が台頭したが、それは政府による人権への容赦ない弾圧の中断を全くもたらさなかった、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。ベトナム当局は独立した人権保護団体、労働組合、宗教団体など政府支配下外のあらゆる団体を禁止している。
For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.
“Secretary General To Lam’s rise to leadership has done nothing to limit the Vietnamese government’s severe and systematic repression of civil and political rights,” said Patricia Gossman, associate Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “International donors and Vietnam’s trade partners interested in seeing the government carry out reforms should speak out against its abysmal rights record.”
The following were key developments in the country during 2024:
- To Lam, former head of the notorious Ministry of Public Security, secured the paramount position as secretary general of the Vietnamese Communist Party after an intense internal power struggle displaced five politburo members. Under Lam, Vietnam’s police had wrongfully imprisoned scores of dissidents over the past decade, decimating Vietnam’s budding civil society. This crackdown continued through 2024.
- 悪名高い公安省の元大臣だったトー・ラムは、政治局員5人を更迭した激しい内部権力闘争の後に、ベトナム共産党書記長として最高の地位を得た。ラムのもとでベトナム警察は過去10年の間に多数の反体制派を不当に投獄し、ベトナムにおける芽生えたばかりの市民社会を破壊してきた。取締りは2024年中も続いた。
- In 2024, the courts convicted on bogus charges and sentenced at least 43 rights campaigners and dissidents, including human rights defenders Nguyen Chi Tuyen, Nguyen Vu Binh, Phan Van Bach, and environmental activist Ngo Thi To Nhien.
- 2024年中に裁判所は、権利運動家と反体制派少なくとも43人の曖昧な容疑に対して有罪判決と刑罰を言渡した。その中には人権擁護者のグエン・チー・トゥエン、グエン・ヴー・ビン、ファン・ヴァン・バック、環境活動家ゴ・ティ・ト・ニエンなどが含まれている。
- The Vietnamese government controls the criminal justice system, which is neither independent nor impartial. The authorities have regularly staged public trials to name and shame the defendants – and indirectly, their families – and “educate” the public, with the defendant’s guilt predetermined.
- ベトナム政府は、独立しておらず公平でもない司法制度を支配している。当局は日常的に公開裁判をデッチ上げて被告人(間接的には家族)の名前を公表して辱め、被告人の有罪が既定である旨市民に「教育する」。
- The government also continued to severely restrict the rights to freedom of association, religion, and movement.
- 政府はまた結社・宗教・移動の自由に対する権利を厳しく制約し続けた
The Vietnamese government should immediately end its systemic rights abuses and release all prisoners and detainees held for exercising their fundamental rights. International trade partners and donors should press Vietnamese authorities to respect civil and political rights.