
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ スイス/ガンビア:ジャメ時代の犯罪が裁判に



(Geneva, January 5, 2024) – The opening of a Swiss trial on January 8, 2024, for serious crimes committed in The Gambia represents a significant advance for justice for the victims of grave abuses, Gambian and international groups that are part of the Jammeh2Justice campaign said today.

(ジュネーブ、2024年1月5日) アフリカ大陸西部の国ガンビアで行われた重大犯罪に対するスイスでの裁判が、2024年1月8日に始まったが、それは重大な人権侵害の被害者に法の正義を実現させる大きなステップとなることを示している、と“ジャメ2ジャスティス・キャンペーン”の一部を担って来たガンビア国内外の団体は本日述べた。

*ガンビアの面積は11,300㎢(新潟県12,580 km²)人口は199万(新潟県236万)

The former Gambian Interior Minister Ousman Sonko is charged with crimes against humanity relating to torture, kidnapping, sexual violence, and unlawful killings between 2000 and 2016 under then-President Yahya Jammeh. Jammeh’s 22-year rule was marked by systematic and widespread human rights violations, such as arbitrary arrests, torture including sexual violence, extrajudicial killings, and enforced disappearances of actual and perceived opponents to his rule.

元ガンビア内務大臣オスマン・サンコは、2000 年から2016年にかけ当時の大統領ヤヤ・ジャメの統治下で行われた拷問、拉致、性的暴力、違法殺人に関係した人道に対する罪容疑で起訴されている。28年間のジャメ統治は、それへの実際の反対者またはそう見なされた者に組織的かつ広範囲に行われた、恣意的逮捕・性的暴力を含む拷問・超法規的殺人・強制失踪が顕著だった。

“The trial of Ousman Sonko is another major step in the search for justice for victims of brutal crimes and their families committed under Jammeh’s rule,” said Sirra Ndow, coordinator of the Jammeh2Justice campaign. “The Sonko case should reinforce efforts back in The Gambia to try crimes under Jammeh’s rule so that perpetrators are held to account for the atrocities committed.”


Sonko was arrested in Bern, Switzerland on January 26, 2017, the day after TRIAL International filed a criminal complaint against him. The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland filed an indictment against Sonko before the Federal Criminal Court on April 17, 2023. The trial, taking place in the city of Bellinzona, is expected to last about three weeks.



The trial is possible because Swiss law recognizes universal jurisdiction over certain serious international crimes, allowing for the prosecution of these crimes no matter where they were committed and regardless of the nationality of the suspects or victims. Swiss nongovernmental organizations, former federal prosecutors, members of parliament, and others have previously criticized judicial officials in Switzerland for lagging behind other European countries on universal jurisdiction cases despite having solid legislation to address serious crimes.


“With Sonko’s trial, Switzerland appears at last to be gaining momentum on prosecuting atrocity crimes committed abroad,” said Philip Grant, executive director at TRIAL International, which supports plaintiffs in the case. “Sonko is the highest-level former official to be tried under the principle of universal jurisdiction in Europe.”


Sonko is the second person to be tried in Switzerland before a non-military court for serious crimes committed abroad, the second person to be tried in Europe for crimes committed in The Gambia, and the highest ranked official to be prosecuted in Europe on the basis of universal jurisdiction. Gambian activists and survivors, and international advocates will attend the trial’s opening in Bellinzona and are available for comment. The first case addressing crimes committed in The Gambia was in Germany against Bai Lowe, a former member of the paramilitary unit known as the “Junglers,” which Jammeh created. Lowe was convicted and sentenced to life in prison by a German court on November 30, 2023, for two murders and an attempted murder, constituting crimes against humanity.


A major challenge will be to ensure that Gambians, whether in the audience or outside the courtroom, can access, follow, and understand the proceedings, which will be conducted in German. Survivors, victims’ groups, and civil society groups have tried to ensure that information on developments is disseminated within The Gambia to increase their impact.


“Developments in the proceedings of such a significant case should be made accessible to Gambians, victims and non-victims alike, in the English language, which they understand, thereby boosting their interest in the trial,” said Fatoumata Sandeng, a plaintiff in the Sonko case who heads the Solo Sandeng Foundation. “Greater action on accountability by the government back home in Gambia is also needed.”


Since Jammeh’s fall, The Gambia has moved forward with only two prosecutions for Jammeh-era crimes. In December 24, 2021, the final report of Gambia’s Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) found that Jammeh and 69 of his associates committed crimes against humanity, and called for their prosecution. On May 25, 2022, the Gambian government accepted the TRRC’s recommendation for accountability, but without an action plan.

ジャメの失脚以降、ガンビアはジャメ時代の犯罪を僅か2件しか訴追していない。2021年12月24日、ガンビア真実和解補償委員会(TRRC)の最終報告書は、ジャメとその仲間69人が人道に対する罪を行ったと認定し、訴追を求めた。2022 年 5 月 25 日、ガンビア政府は行動計画を策定しないまま、説明責任を求める TRRC の勧告を受け入れた。

On May 12, 2023, the government presented a long-awaited detailed implementation plan calling for the creation of a Special Prosecutor’s Office to complete the investigations initiated by the TRRC and to prepare case-ready dossiers. A hybrid tribunal of Gambia and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) would be created to carry out prosecutions of the most serious offenses. The Gambia and ECOWAS have created a joint technical committee to develop the hybrid court.

2023 年 5 月 12 日に政府は、TRRC が着手した捜査の完了と、裁判準備書面の作成に向けた特別検察庁の創設を求める、待望の詳細な実施計画を提示した。最も重大な犯罪の訴追を行うために、ガンビアと西アフリカ諸国経済共同体(ECOWAS)の混合(ハイブリット)法廷が設立される予定で、両者は混合法廷の開発に向け共同専門委員会を設立した。

“The Gambian government and ECOWAS should move without delay to create the hybrid court,” said Elise Keppler, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch. “Victims and the Gambian public have waited a very long time to have the chance to see justice done.”


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