
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ガザ停戦:残虐行為を終わらせるための行動が必要


(Jerusalem, January 15, 2025) – Israeli authorities and Hamas agreed to a multi-phase ceasefire on January 15, 2025, that includes the entry into Gaza of humanitarian aid, the return of Israeli hostages held in Gaza, and the release of Palestinian prisoners.

(エルサレム、2025年1月15日) イスラエル当局とハマスが2025年1月15日に多面的停戦に合意し、人道援助物資のガザ搬入、ガザ地区内で拘禁されているイスラエル人人質の帰還、パレスチナ人囚人の解放などが行われることになる。

The following can be attributed to Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch.


“Over the last 15 months, civilians have been targeted, attacked and killed at a scale unprecedented in the recent history of Israel and Palestine.  For these atrocities to end, Israel needs to lift its blockade, allow in humanitarian aid at scale necessary to meet urgent needs, and ensure basic services like electricity and water are restored. Otherwise, people will continue to die, ceasefire or not. Palestinian armed groups need, immediately and unconditionally, to release all civilians held hostage. The heinous crimes committed through the 15-month hostilities should not go unpunished. Those responsible should be held to account, including at the International Criminal Court, and states need to address root causes, including Israel’s apartheid against the Palestinians. To avoid further mass atrocities, there must be an end to systematic repression and respect for the rights of all people in Israel and Palestine.”


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