
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 中国:チベット族に対する焼身自殺「扇動罪」での処罰をやめよ



 (New York, February 1, 2013) – Chinese judicial authorities should immediately release two Tibetans who were found guilty in legal proceedings that relied solely on confessions they gave during five months in detention, Human Rights Watch said today.  Human Rights Watch has documented endemic use of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and coercion of Tibetans in detention.


On January 31, 2013, the Intermediate People’s Court of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture sentenced Lorang Konchok to death with two years’ reprieve and his nephew, Lorang Tsering, to 10 years in prison on charges of “intentional homicide” in connection with the self-immolation protests of other Tibetans.


“These prosecutions are utterly without credibility,” said Sophie Richardson, China director. “The Chinese government seems to think it can stop self-immolation by punishing anyone who talks about it.  But in pursuing these ‘incitement’ cases, the government compounds the tragedy of these suicide protests.”


According to a Xinhua report in December 2012, Lorang Konchok, 41, a monk at the Kirti Monastery, and his nephew, Lorang Tsering, 31, a former monk, had been in detention since August 2012. That same account, the first to confirm their detention, also reported that Lorang Konchok had confessed. At the trial, Lorang Konchok was accused of being the primary actor receiving instructions from organizations associated with the Dalai Lama in India, and Lorang Tsering was accused of being his accomplice. Between the publication of the Xinhua article and the beginning of their trial on January 26, 2013, there was little additional information about their case, and it remains unclear whether they had access to lawyers during their detention.


According to Chinese state media reports of the trial, both men confessed to trying to “goad” or “incite” eight people to self-immolate since 2010, three of whom died, on instructions from “the Dalai Lama clique.” Those confessions were made public in December, after the men had been in detention for four months. According to state media, Lorang Konchok and Lorang Tsering did not present defenses and the lawyers assigned to them asked the court for leniency on the basis of their cooperation.


Since mid-2011, the Chinese government has detained and prosecuted at least a dozen people who have allegedly been associated with immolations. These include:


  • On January 31, 2013, six Tibetans were sentenced by a Gansu court for their alleged involvement in the October 2012 self-immolation of Dorje Rinchen. Four of the six were given sentences ranging from seven to twelve years on charges of “intentional homicide,” based on claims they had prevented police from reaching Rinchen. The other two were given three- and four-year sentences for blocking traffic after the immolation. Chinese authorities said on January 24, 2013, that at least 10 other people in Gansu have been charged with “planning” or “organizing” self-immolations, without giving further details;
  • 2013年1月31日には、甘粛省法院からチベット族6人は、2012年10月にドルジェ・リンチェンが焼身自殺した事件への関与容疑で、実刑判決を受けた。6人の内4人は、警察がリンチェンのもとに向かうのを阻止したという申し立てに基づく、「意図的殺人」容疑で、7年から12年の懲役刑を言い渡された。残りの2人は焼身自殺が行われた後の、交通遮断容疑で3年と4年の懲役刑を言い渡された。中国当局は2013年1月24日に、甘粛省で他に少なくとも10人が、焼身自殺を「計画」或は「組織」した容疑で訴追されたと、更なる詳細は付け加えずに述べた。
  • On January 25, 2013, state media reported that Drolma Kyab, a “prospective self-immolator,” and his “suspected inciter,” known as Pakpa, were both detained for investigations relating to homicide;
  • 2013年1月25日には、国営メディアが、「焼身自殺志願者」ドロルマ・キャプと、その「扇動容疑者」でパクパと呼ばれている人物が、殺人事件に関係する取り調べのために拘束されたと報じた。
  • In mid-January 2013, four Tsodun Kirti monks were sentenced to prison for charges that stem from ties to monks from the same monastery who self-immolated in 2012. All four were detained at the Kirti monastery in August 2012, but the reasons for their arrest were not made clear at the time, and the monks were subsequently held in an undisclosed location. According to family members and Kirti monks in exile who passed on the information, the Barkham Intermediate People’s Court in Ngaba (Ch. Aba) sentenced Namsey, aged 18, to ten years in prison; Yarphel, aged 18, six years; Lobsang Sengye, aged 19, two years; and Asung, aged 22, two and a half years. Sources believe they were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the self-immolation protests by fellow monks in March and July of 2012, but no further information is known;
  • 2013年1月半ばには、2012年に焼身自殺したツォドゥン・キルティ僧院の僧たちとの関係から生じた容疑で、同僧院の僧4人が懲役刑を言い渡された。4人は全員、2012年8月にキルティ僧院に拘留されたが、当時、逮捕理由は明らかにされず、その後は未公表の場所に拘留されていた。家族と情報を伝えてくれた亡命中のキルティ僧院の僧複数によると、ンガバ(中国名アバ)の馬爾康県(バルカム)中級人民法院は、ナムセイ(18歳)に懲役10年、ヤーペル(18歳)に懲役6年、ロブサン・センゲ(19歳)に懲役2年、アスン(22歳)に懲役2年半年の刑をそれぞれ言い渡した。消息筋は、2012年3月と7月に同僚の僧複数が焼身自殺した事件に関与した容疑で逮捕されたと考えているが、更に詳しい情報はない。
  • In August 2012, another Tsodun Kirti monk, Tubwang Tenzin, was arrested. He has not yet been tried and remains in detention, conditions unknown;
  • 2012年8月には、もう1人のツォドゥン・キルティ僧院の僧、トゥブワン・テンジンが逮捕された。彼は未だに裁判に掛けられず、拘留されたままで、状況は不明だ。
  • In July 2012, three monks belonging to Bongtak monastery in Tsonub (Ch. Haixi) prefecture in Qinghai province were given sentences ranging from 9 to 11 years in prison in connection with the self-immolation death of another monk;
  • 2012年7月には、 青海省ツォヌブ(中国名ハイシィ)県にあるボンタク僧院に所属する僧3人が、もう1人の僧の焼身自殺による死亡事件に関連して、懲役9年から11年の刑をそれぞれ言い渡されている。
  • In September 2012, two Ngaba (Ch. Aba) Kirti monks were sentenced to prison terms of between 8 and 11 year in connection with the self-immolation deaths of a fellow monk in March 2012;
  • 2012年9月には、キルティ僧院に所属するンガバ(中国名アバ)族の僧2人が、2012年3月に同僚の僧が焼身自殺で死亡した事件に関係して、懲役8年から11年の刑を言い渡された。
  • In late June 2012, a week after Ngawang Norphel and Tenzin Khedup self-immolated together, Ngawang Norphel’s wife, Drolma Dekyi, and two other family members were detained for questioning;
  • 2012年6月には、ンガワン・ノルペルとテンジン・ケドゥプが一緒に焼身自殺を図った1週間後に、ンガワン・ノルペルの妻、ドゥロルマ・デキとその家族2人が尋問のために拘留された。
  • In August 2011, sentences of 10 and 13 years were given to two monks from Ngaba Kirti monastery for “intentional homicide” in not handing over a monk to the authorities after he had self-immolated, and at least four others were sentenced for sending photographs of self-immolators to exiles.
  • 2011年8月には、ンガバ・キルティ僧院に所属する僧2人が、僧1人が焼身自殺を図った後、当局に彼の身柄を引き渡さなかったために、「意図的殺人」容疑で懲役10年と13年の刑をそれぞれ言い渡された。また他に少なくとも4人が、焼身自殺の写真を亡命している者に送ったために、処罰されている。

There are numerous reports of other detentions that have been carried out after the immolations of fellow monks and family members as an apparent deterrent against future immolations. However, those detained are often held in secret and information about them is difficult to obtain.


Self-immolations take place in the context of the Chinese government’s long-standing repressive policies in the Tibetan areas that have seen severe restrictions on Tibetans’ rights. Statements left behind by some individuals make clear their actions were protests against government policies. The current wave of immolations began after the government cracked down on mostly peaceful, large-scale protests against Chinese policies in 2008.


To date there has still been no concerted effort from the Chinese government to address the underlying grievances in Tibet, which have contributed to the rising number of self-immolations by Tibetans. The latest in the 99 self-immolations since February 22, 2009, occurred on January 22, 2013. Twenty-six-year-old Konchok Kyab died after setting fire to himself in Kanlho (Ch. Gannan) Tibet Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu province.


“Sentencing someone to death for allegedly inciting someone else to commit suicide is neither just nor respectful of the right to life,” said Richardson. “The ongoing prosecution of people linked with self-immolation appears to be about stifling dissent and laying blame on others for this tragedy.  It is time for China to respond to the grievances and human rights violations that appear to be provoking this tragic form of protest.”


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