
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 南スーダン:クラスター弾使用の新証拠を調査せよ



(Washington, DC, FEBRUARY 15, 2014) – The governments of South Sudan and Uganda should investigate new evidence that banned cluster bombs have been used in the South Sudan conflict, Human Rights Watch said today. United Nations (UN) experts found remnants of the weapons, including intact unexploded submunitions or “bomblets,” in the week of February 7, 2014, near the town of Bor in an area not known to be contaminated by remnants prior to mid-December 2013.


“The young nation of South Sudan has enough problems without these horrific weapons, which kill and keep on killing long afterward,” said Steve Goose, arms division director at Human Rights Watch and chair of the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). “The governments involved should quickly find out who is behind this and make clear they will be held responsible.”


Since mid-December the town of Bor, the capital of Jonglei State, and the area around it have changed hands several times in clashes between government forces, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), and opposition forces loyal to former Vice President Riek Machar. The Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) has been supporting South Sudan’s government forces, including with air power.


The UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) found the cluster munition remnants by a stretch of road 16 kilometers south of Bor, which is 190 kilometers north of Juba, the capital. According to UNMAS, the site was contaminated with the remnants of up to eight RBK-250-275 cluster bombs and an unknown quantity of AO-1SCh bomblets or submunitions, which are dropped by fixed wing aircraft or helicopters.

国連 PKO 局地雷対策サービス部(以下UNMAS)は、首都ジュバの北190kmに位置するボルから南に伸びる道路16kmの地点で、クラスター弾の残骸複数を発見した。UNMASによれば現場は、固定翼航空機かヘリコプターから投下された、最大で8発のRBK-250-275クラスター弾と、未知数のAO-1SCh小型弾あるいは子弾で汚染されているそうだ。

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned this use of cluster bombs in the South Sudan conflict, but has not indicated who the UN believes was responsible. South Sudanese and Ugandan forces possess the air power to deliver air dropped cluster munitions, such as the RBK-250-275 AO-1SCh cluster bomb, while the opposition forces are not believed to possess the means necessary to deliver these bombs.

国連事務総長 潘基文は、南スーダン紛争でクラスター弾が使用された事態を非難したが誰が犯人であると考えているのかは明らかにしていない。南スーダンとウガンダの両部隊は、RBK-250-275 AO-1SChクラスター弾のような、空中投下型クラスター弾を投下する空軍力を有しているが、反政府勢力部隊にはそれらの弾投下に必要な手段を備えていないと考えられている。

The governments of South Sudan and Uganda should investigate the reported use of cluster bombs in South Sudan and make the results of those investigations public, Human Rights Watch said. The governments should enhance confidence in the independence and impartiality of the investigation by involving international experts, and by acting in cooperation with relevant international organizations such as UNMAS, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and others. All parties to the conflict should support and cooperate with the investigation.


This serious and credible evidence of cluster bomb use in South Sudan requires the urgent attention of states party to the Convention on Cluster Munitions. They should consult with the governments of South Sudan and Uganda and other relevant parties to seek clarification, establish the facts, and resolve questions regarding compliance with the convention and with the norm that it seeks to establish against any use of cluster munitions, Human Rights Watch said.


South Sudan government forces use the Mi-17 Hip helicopter, which is capable of dropping cluster munitions, including the RBK-250-275 AO-1SCh cluster bomb. However, there were no reports or allegations of any production, export, use, or stockpiling of cluster munitions by the SPLA in the past when it functioned as a rebel armed force. In September 2011, shortly after it became an independent nation, South Sudan stated that it “is not a user or producer of cluster munitions,” and a government official told the CMC that South Sudan does not stockpile cluster munitions.

南スーダン政府軍部隊は、RBK-250-275 AO-1SChクラスター弾を含む、クラスター弾を投下可能な、ミル17ヒップ・ヘリコプターを使用している。しかしSPLAが反乱軍として機能していた過去において、SPLAがクラスター弾を製造・輸出・使用・保有したという、報告や疑惑はなかった。独立国家となって間もなくの2011年9月に、南スーダンは、「クラスター弾の使用国及び製造国ではない」と言明、政府当局者はCMCに、南スーダンはクラスター弾を保有していないと伝えている。

South Sudan’s defense minister, Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk, has strongly denied that any cluster munitions have been used in the conflict, telling the Citizen newspaper: “These are total lies, it is not true, cluster bombs have never been used in the fighting.”


The commander of the Ugandan forces in South Sudan, Brig. Muhanga Kayanja, told Human Rights Watch that his forces had used helicopters to provide close aerial support to ground troops, but had not used cluster bombs, or any bombs, during the conflict.


On December 21, 2013, there were reports of Ugandan helicopter strikes near Bor at the same time as the South Sudanese government began a counter-attack on rebel positions. The Ugandan army’s chief of defense forces, Gen. Katumba Wamala, denied the claim of Ugandan involvement in the aerial bombardment but on January 10, 2014, Reuters quoted a Ugandan military officer saying, “In Bor our boys have been backing up the SPLA in the latest push to retake it… Yesterday [January 9] our MiGs conducted two bombings there.”


Though the initial decision to deploy Ugandan troops to South Sudan was not made in consultation with the Ugandan parliament, it nonetheless approved the deployment on January 15. Some members questioned the operational parameters and raised concerns about Uganda’s neutrality in the conflict. The Ugandan army spokesperson confirmed that two battalions, totaling at least 1,600 soldiers, are in South Sudan.


In 2007 a Ugandan government representative informed an international meeting that Uganda possessed a stockpile of cluster bombs that it would destroy. But in 2009, a senior military official said Uganda does not have any stockpiled cluster munitions, while in April 2012, a government official said, “Uganda has never manufactured, acquired, stockpiled, transferred, or used cluster munitions.”


Photographs and information, provided to Human Rights Watch by the United Nations Development Programme, of remnants cleared by mine action teams in northern Uganda near the then-Sudan border indicate that RBK-250-275 AO-1SCh cluster bombs were apparently used at some point in the years-long fighting between the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan military. It is not clear who used the cluster munitions or precisely when or how many munitions were used. On several occasions, Uganda denied that its armed forces ever used cluster munitions and said the LRA was responsible.

国連開発計画がヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに提供した、当時のスーダン国境に近いウガンダ北部における地雷活動チームが除去した残骸の写真と情報は、反乱勢力・神の抵抗軍(LRA)とウガンダ軍の間で長年行われた戦闘の様々な時点で、RBK-250-275 AO-1SChクラスター弾が使用されたようであることを示している。誰がクラスター弾を使用したのか、正確に何時あるいは幾つのクラスター弾が使用されたのか、については不明である。ウガンダ武装軍のクラスター弾使用を、ウガンダはこれまでに様々な機会において否定し、LRAが犯人であると主張してきた。

South Sudan is not a party to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, which comprehensively bans cluster munitions, while the Republic of Uganda signed the convention on December 3, 2008, but has yet to ratify it. Worldwide, a total of 84 states are party to the convention, which came into force on August 1, 2010, while another 29 have signed but not yet ratified.


As a signatory, Uganda is not bound by all the convention’s provisions. However, the use of cluster munitions by a signatory can be judged a breach of its international obligations. Under article 18 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, “A state is obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of a treaty when... it has signed the treaty....” Clearly, new use of cluster munitions defeats the object and purpose of the treaty, Human Rights Watch said.


If South Sudanese forces are responsible for the use, Uganda could also be at risk of violating the Convention on Cluster Munitions by virtue of its close military cooperation, including joint combat operations, with those forces. Under article 1 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, a state party may not “under any circumstance... assist, encourage or induce anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a state party under this convention.”


Cluster munitions can be fired by rockets, mortars, and artillery, or dropped by aircraft. They explode in the air, sending dozens, even hundreds, of submunitions or “bomblets” over a wide area. These submunitions often fail to explode on initial impact, leaving duds that act like landmines and explode when handled.


Each RBK-250-275 AO-1SCh cluster bomb contains 150 AO-1SCh antipersonnel fragmentation bomblets. RBK cluster bombs were produced and exported by the former Soviet Union in significant quantities.

RBK-250-275 AO-1SChのクラスター弾は、150発のAO-1SCh対人破片子弾を積載する。RBKクラスター弾は以前のソビエト連邦で大量に製造・輸出された。

Since the Convention on Cluster Munitions became binding international law in 2010, three governments are confirmed to have used the weapons, all non-signatories: Syria, Libya, and Thailand. Syria has used cluster munitions extensively since 2012, including RBK-250-275 AO-1SCh cluster bombs, causing numerous civilian casualties.

クラスター弾禁止条約が2010年に強制力を持つ国際法になって以降、シリア、リビア、タイ、3ヶ国の政府がその兵器を使ったが、全て非署名国だった。シリアは2012年以降、RBK-250-275 AO-1SChクラスター弾を含む、クラスター弾を広範囲に使用して、一般市民に多数の犠牲者を出している。

Human Rights Watch is a founding member of the international Cluster Munition Coalition, the civil society campaign behind the Convention on Cluster Munitions.


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