
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ コンゴ民主共和国:反乱軍M23が一般市民をレイプ・殺害



(Goma, July 23, 2013) – M23 rebels have summarily executed at least 44 people and raped at least 61 women and girls since March 2013 in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Human Rights Watch said today. Local residents and rebel deserters reported recent forced recruitment of men and boys by the M23 in both Rwanda and Congo.


After a nearly two-month-long ceasefire, fighting resumed on July 14 between the Congolese armed forces and M23 rebels near the eastern city of Goma.


Residents and rebel deserters described recent support from within Rwanda to the abusive M23 forces. This includes regular movements from Rwanda into Congo of men in Rwandan army uniforms, and the provision of ammunition, food, and other supplies from Rwanda to the M23. The M23 has been recruiting inside Rwanda. Rwandan military officers have trained new M23 recruits, and have communicated and met with M23 leaders on several occasions.


“Not only is Rwanda allowing its territory to be used by the abusive M23 to get recruits and equipment, but the Rwandan military is still directly supporting the M23,” said Daniel Bekele, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “This support is sustaining an armed group responsible for numerous killings, rapes and other serious abuses.”


The latest Human Rights Watch findings are based on more than 100 interviews since March, including with former M23 fighters who left the movement between late March and July and civilians living near the Congo-Rwanda border, some of whom were victims of abuses.


In addition to M23 abuses, Human Rights Watch documented several cases of killings and rapes by Congolese Hutu militia groups operating in and around M23-controlled territory. Some Congolese army officers have allegedly supported factions of these groups, as well as factions of the allied Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) – a largely Rwandan Hutu armed group, some of whose members participated in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.


Since its inception in April 2012, the M23 has committed widespread violations of the laws of war. Despite numerous war crimes by M23 fighters, the armed group has received significant support from Rwandan military officials. After briefly occupying Goma in November, then withdrawing on December 1, the M23 controls much of Congo’s Rutshuru and Nyiragongo territories, bordering Rwanda.


On April 25 and 26, M23 fighters killed 15 ethnic Hutu civilians in several villages in Busanza groupement in Rutshuru territory, and at least another 6 in mid-June, in an apparent attempt to “punish” villagers for alleged collaboration with Congolese Hutu militias.


Other civilians killed by M23 fighters since March include a 62-year-old man who was shot dead because he refused to hand his sons over to the M23, a motorcycle driver who refused to give money to the M23, M23 recruits who were caught after trying to escape, and others accused of collaborating with Hutu militia.


On July 5, four M23 fighters gang-raped a 12-year-old girl as she went to fetch water in her village in Rutshuru. An M23 fighter who accosted an 18-year-old woman near Bunagana shot her in the leg on April 15 when she refused to have sex with him.


Since June, M23 leaders have forced local chiefs in areas under their control to undergo military and ideological training and obtain recruits for the M23. The M23 considers these chiefs to be part of their “reserve force” that can be called upon to provide support during military operations.


M23 fighters have arrested or abducted dozens of civilians in recent weeks in Rutshuru, most of them Hutu. The M23 accused many of them of collaborating with the FDLR or allied Congolese Hutu militias. M23 fighters beat them severely, tied them up, and detained them. The M23 then forced many of them to undergo military training and become M23 fighters.

M23戦闘員は最近数週の間にルツシュルで、 殆どがフツ族である一般市民数十人を、逮捕あるいは拉致した。M23 は捕えた者の多くに、ルワンダ解放民主軍に協力していた、あるいはコンゴ人フツ族民兵組織と手を結んでいたという容疑を掛けた。M23戦闘員は捕えた者を激しく暴行し、縛り上げ、拘留、その多くに軍事訓練を受けさせ、 M23戦闘員になるのを強制している。

A former M23 police officer, who deserted in April, told Human Rights Watch that he participated in investigations of killings of civilians. He said that before each investigation, a high-ranking M23 commander, Innocent Kayna, told him: “You will do the investigation. You will say it’s bandits in the neighborhood who killed, not M23.”


Human Rights Watch contacted the M23’s military leader, Sultani Makenga, but he was unavailable to speak about the recent alleged abuses.


Those recruited in Rwanda into the M23 include demobilized Rwandan army soldiers and former FDLR fighters, most of whom had become part of the Rwandan army’s Reserve Force, as well as Rwandan civilians. A 15-year-old Rwandan boy told Human Rights Watch that he and three other young men and boys were promised jobs as cow herders in Congo, but when they got to Congo were forced to join the M23. They were given military training by Rwandan officers in Congo and told they would be killed if they tried to escape. Other M23 deserters also said Rwandan officers were training new M23 recruits.

ルワンダ国内でM23に徴兵された者には、動員解除されたルワンダ軍兵士や元ルワンダ解放民主軍兵士が含まれ、その殆どはルワンダ軍の予備役部隊の一員だった者や一般市民だった者だ。15歳のルワンダ人少年のヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチへの話によると、自分と他に3人の若者が、コンゴ国内で牛飼いとして仕事を約束されたのだが、コンゴに行ってみたら M23に入隊するよう強制され、逃げようとしたら殺すと言われたそうだ。他の M23脱走兵たちは、ルワンダ人将校がM23新兵を訓練していたと話していた。

Former M23 officers who had been part of previous Rwanda-backed rebellions said they recognized officers serving with the M23 who they knew were members of the Rwandan army. Congolese deserters told Human Rights Watch that a number of M23 fighters admitted freely that they were Rwandan. Some said they had served in the Rwandan army’s peacekeeping contingent in Somalia or Darfur.

以前ルワンダが支援した反乱に参加していた元M23将校たちによると、ルワンダ軍の構成員であるのを知られていた将校が、 M23で軍務に就いていたのを確認したそうだ。コンゴ人脱走兵はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、M23戦闘員の多くが、自分たちがルワンダ人であることを悪びれずに認めたと話していた。ルワンダ軍の平和維持派遣部隊としてソマリアやダルフールで任務に就いていたと話す者もいたそうだ。

Recent M23 deserters interviewed by Human Rights Watch described frequent – in some cases weekly – arrivals of soldiers and recruits from Rwanda. Sometimes these were rotations, with new soldiers replacing others who had returned to Rwanda. Weapons, ammunition, large containers of milk, truckloads of rice, and other supplies were brought to the M23 from Rwanda. M23 deserters also described phone conversations and meetings in both Rwanda and Congo between senior M23 leaders and people the deserters were told or knew to be Rwandan officials.

最近M23から脱走してヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチの聞き取り調査に応じた者たちは、ルワンダから兵士と新兵が度々、時として毎週、到着していた様子を詳述していた。時にルワンダで戻った者と新たな兵士が時に交代することもあり、武器・弾薬・大きな牛乳の容器・トラック数台分の米・その他の物資が、ルワンダからM23に運ばれてきたそうだ。 M23の脱走者はまた、ルワンダとコンゴの両国内で自分たちがルワンダ人当局者だと伝えられた、或いは知っていた人々とM23幹部指導者が、電話で会話したり、会談をした時の様子も詳述していた。

All of the recent M23 deserters interviewed by Human Rights Watch said that Rwandan soldiers, officers, and trainers were present throughout their time with the M23, and that there had been new arrivals from Rwanda in recent months.


“For the past 17 years, the Rwandan army has repeatedly deployed troops to eastern Congo and backed abusive proxy forces responsible for war crimes,” Bekele said. “As in the past, Rwanda denies it’s supporting the M23, but the facts on the ground speak for themselves.”


Rwandan government and military officials did not respond to Human Rights Watch’s requests for a meeting. Rwandan officials in the past have repeatedly denied allegations that the government is providing support to the M23.


The Rwandan government should immediately halt all support to the M23 because of its broadly abusive behavior, Human Rights Watch said. The United Nations and United States special envoys for the Great Lakes region and donor governments should publicly denounce continuing Rwandan support to the M23 and call for sanctions against senior Rwandan officials responsible for backing the armed group.


The Congolese government should immediately suspend, investigate, and prosecute as appropriate Congolese military officers and government officials who have provided support to the FDLR or allied groups. The government should make clear that abusive militia commanders will not be integrated into Congo’s army as part of any political settlement.


According to international journalists present near the front line and photographs seen by Human Rights Watch, Congolese army soldiers treated the corpses of M23 fighters killed in combat on July 16 in a degrading manner, stripping them, making ethnic slurs, and prodding their genitals with weapons. International law prohibits “committing outrages upon personal dignity,” including against the dead. Human Rights Watch also documented cases in which the Congolese army detained former M23 fighters and alleged collaborators for several weeks without bringing them before a court, and often incommunicado and in harsh conditions.

前線近くにいる国際ジャーナリストやヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが見た複数の写真によれば、コンゴ軍兵士は7月16日の戦闘で殺害されたM23戦闘員の遺体を、衣服をはぎ取る・民族差別的な侮蔑を浴びせる・性器を武器で突くなど、尊厳を損なう手法で取り扱っているようだ。 国際法は遺体へも含め、「個人の品位を損なう」行為を禁じている。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはまた、コンゴ軍が元M23戦闘員や敵への協力容疑者を捕え、裁判に掛けることもなく数週間も、過酷な環境下に拘留し、多くの場合隔離拘禁している事実を取りまとめた。

Congolese military officials should appropriately discipline officers and soldiers responsible for mistreating corpses, and ensure that such acts cease immediately. Military and judicial officials should ensure that captured combatants and civilians are treated in accordance with due process standards, including being promptly brought before a judge and charged, or released. Detainees should not be mistreated or held in inhumane conditions.


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