
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ タイ:政府反乱勢力が南部国境諸県で教師を標的



(New York, June 18, 2009) – Separatist insurgents should immediately cease their attacks on teachers in Thailand’s conflict-ridden southern border provinces, Human Rights Watch said today. Five teachers have been killed by insurgents in the south since the beginning of the new school term in May 2009.


Human Rights Watch also called on the Thai authorities to hold accountable those responsible in a lawful manner and take measures to bolster security at schools.


“In a sickening trend, separatist insurgents are increasingly attacking teachers, who they consider a symbol of government authority and Buddhist Thai culture,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “There is no excuse for such brutality.”


On June 16, insurgents shot dead Lekha Issara, a teacher at Ban Poh Maeng school, while she was riding on a motorcycle from home to work in Raman district of Yala province.

6月16日、政府反乱勢力はヤラ(Yala)県ラマン(Raman)地区バン・ポー・マエン(Ban Poh Maeng)学校の教師レクーア・イッサラ(Lekha Issara)を射殺した。彼女は自宅から職場へバイクに乗って通勤途中だった。

On June 6, insurgents killed Matohe Yama, a teacher at Ban Palukasamo in Bajoh district of Narathiwat province.

6月6日、政府反乱勢力はナラシワット(Narathiwat)県ボジョー(Bajoh)地区のバン・パルカサモ(Ban Palukasamo)学校の教師マトヒ・ヤマ(Matohe Yama)を殺害した。

On June 2, insurgents attacked a pickup truck transporting six teachers from their schools in Ja Nae district of Narathiwat province. Two Buddhist Thai teachers were singled out and killed: Atcharaporn Thepsorn, a teacher at Ban Dusung Ngor school who was eight months pregnant, and Warunee Navaka, a teacher at Ban Ri Nge school.

6月2日、政府反乱勢力はナラシワット(Narathiwat)県ジャ・ナエ(Ja Nae)地区にある学校から6名の教師を搬送途中のピックアップ・トラックを襲撃、2名の仏教徒教師を選び出して殺害した。犠牲者はバン・ドゥスン・ンゴル(Ban Dusung Ngor)学校の教師で妊娠9ヶ月だったアチャラポーン・ゼプソーン(Atcharaporn Thepsorn)と、バン・リ・ンゲ(Ban Ri Nge)学校の教師ワルネー・ナヴァカ(Warunee Navaka)だった。

On May 19, Natthapol Janae, a teacher at Nikhom Pattana Park Tai school, was shot dead as he was riding a motorcycle from his home to his school in Bannang Sta district of Yala province.

5月19日には、ヤラ(Yala)県バンナン・スタ(Bannang Sta)地区にあるニコーム・パッタナ・パーク・タイ(Nikhom Pattana Park Tai)学校の教師ナッザポル・ジャナエ(Natthapol Janae)が、自宅から学校へバイクで通勤途中に射殺された。

After each attack, schools in affected areas were closed down for security reasons. Hundreds of teachers have requested transfers from the region. The attacks on teachers not only violate international law prohibitions against targeting civilians, but also threaten children’s basic right to education.


The most recent killings were only the latest attacks on teachers – and education – in southern Thailand. A new generation of militants called the Patani Liberation Fighters (Pejuang Kemerdekaan Patani) is believed responsible for killing 115 teachers and wounding more than 100 others since January 2004, when the insurgency escalated. Militants have also burned more than 200 schools in the same period.

直近の殺害はタイ南部での教師、教育に対する近頃の襲撃でしかない。パタニ解放戦線(ペジュアン・クメールデカーン・パタニ:Patani Liberation Fighters)と呼ばれる新世代過激活動家集団は、2004年1月以降エスカレートした反政府反乱活動の中、教師115名の殺害及び100名以上に負傷させた襲撃の実行犯であると考えられている。過激活動家たちは同期間に200以上の学校を焼き落としてきた。

The government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has promised to give special attention to measures that would make schools safe and teachers secure in their work. Human Rights Watch urged the government to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety of schools and teachers, but also expressed concern about vigilantism allegedly carried out by local security units in revenge for insurgent attacks on Buddhist Thai officials and civilians.

タイ首相アピシット・ウェチャチワ(Abhisit Vejjajiva)の政府は、学校を安全と教師の職場での安全保障を確保するための措置に、特別の配慮をすると約束していた。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは政府に、学校と教師の安全を確保するために適切な手段を講じることを強く求めたが、同時に、仏教徒タイ当局者や民間人への政府反乱勢力の襲撃に対する報復として、地元治安維持部隊が行なっていると言われている、自警行動に関して懸念を表明した。

Over the past five years, there have been many reported assassinations of Muslim religious teachers (ustadz) and attacks on mosques and Muslim schools (ponoh). There have been no successful criminal investigations of these cases, leading many in the ethnic Malay Muslim population to conclude that the Thai government has been involved in a cover-up and has made it clear to the perpetrators that they can act without fear of punishment.


Tensions flared up on June 8 after six masked gunmen opened fire with assault rifles and shotguns on a crowd of worshipers as they were performing the evening prayer at Al-Furquan mosque in Joh Ai Rong district of Narathiwat province. Ten people died at the scene, including the imam. At least another 12 people were seriously wounded. On June 15, separatist insurgents stabbed to death Kimsiang Sae-tang, a Thai rubber tapper of Chinese descent, then cut off his head, arms, and legs before setting his body on fire. A leaflet, found near Kimsiang’s head, claimed the killing was in retaliation for the previous week’s massacre of ethnic Malay Muslims at Al-Furquan mosque in Joh Ai Rong district of Narathiwat province.

覆面の襲撃者6名が、ナラシワット(Narathiwat)県ジョー・アイ・ロン(Joh Ai Rong)地区にあるアル-フルクァン(Al-Furquan)モスクで夜の礼拝をしていた信者の集まりに、突撃銃とショットガンを乱射した後、6月8日緊張は激化した。イスラム教指導者を含む10名が即死し、少なくとも12名が重傷を負った。6月15日、分離独立派反政府勢力の者が、中国人の子孫であるタイ人ゴムの木の樹液採取労働者キムシアン・サエタン(Kimsiang Sae-tang)を刺殺、遺体に火を放つ前に首、腕、足を切断した。キムシアンの首の近くで発見されたリーフレットには、殺害が、先週起きたナラシワット県ジョー・アイ・ロン地区にあるアル-フルクァン・モスクでのマレイ人系イスラム教徒虐殺に対する、報復であることが述べられていた。

“Separatist insurgents claim that abuses by the security forces justify their attacks, but the Thai government should not allow its troops to adopt the same logic,” Adams said. “Any attempt to cover up the misconduct of security forces, or to protect them from criminal responsibility, will further escalate a cycle of reprisal violence. It is time for the Thai government to deal with the root causes of the conflict.”


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