
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 日本:弾圧を強める中国に人権問題を指摘せよ



(New York, May 18, 2011) – Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan should call on China to release the large number of peaceful critics it has rounded up in recent months during Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Japan, Human Rights Watch said today. Wen will visit Japan from May 21-22 to attend the fourth China-Japan-ROK (Republic of Korea) Leaders Meeting.

(ニューヨーク、2011年5月18日)-日本の管直人首相は、温家宝(Wen Jiabao)中国首相が日本を訪問する際、中国が最近数ヶ月の間に逮捕してきた、膨大な数の平和的批判者を釈放するよう中国に求めなければならない、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。温氏は第4回日中韓首脳会議に出席のため、5月21日22日と日本を訪れる予定である。

“The repression of critical voices in China is accelerating quickly,” said Kanae Doi, Japan Director at Human Rights Watch. “Japan often says it prefers quiet diplomacy, but remaining silent would send the wrong message to both the Chinese leadership and victims of China’s recent crackdown.”


Human Rights Watch said that since mid-February the Chinese government has launched the largest crackdown on critics and activists in over a decade. More than 200 people have been subjected to enforced disappearance, arrest, house arrest, police surveillance, police questioning, or threats. At least 39 lawyers, civil society activists, and bloggers have been detained on criminal charges by state authorities. Seven have been formally arrested on state security charges. Eighteen others have been the victims of enforced disappearance.


The prominent artist and outspoken critic Ai Weiwei, whom the government says is being investigated for “economic crimes,” has been detained since April 3 without access to a lawyer or any formal notification of his arrest as required under Chinese law. 

著名な芸術家であり辛辣な批判家でもある艾未未(Ai Weiwei)氏は4月3日以降、拘束されているのだが、政府は艾氏を「経済犯罪」容疑で取り調べ中であると述べるだけで、これまで中国の法律で義務付けられている弁護士へのアクセスや正式な逮捕通知は全くないままである。

Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11-year imprisonment in December 2009 for “inciting subversion” in a trial that did not meet minimum international standards of fairness, while his wife Liu Xia has been under house arrest since Liu became a Nobel Peace Prize laureate in October 2010. Human Rights Watch has repeatedly called for their release.

2009年12月、劉曉波氏は、公正さに関する最低限の国際基準をも満たしていない裁判で、「破壊活動煽動罪容疑」に対し懲役11年の刑の判決を受ける一方、その妻の劉霞(Liu Xia)氏も夫が2010年10月にノーベル平和賞を受賞して以来、自宅軟禁されたままである。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはこれまで繰り返し劉夫妻の釈放を求めてきている。

“Prime Minister Kan should call for the release of Ai Weiwei, Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, his wife Liu Xia, and others,” said Doi. “Governments the world over have raised concerns about the crackdown in China, but Japan’s voice has yet to be heard.”


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