When an organization (nation or company) suddenly is collapsing
There are times when huge nations and corporations suddenly collapse. In Japan, at the end of the Greater East Asia War, the foundation of the wartime government of warlords collapsed with the Emperor's declaration of defeat. At this time, although the wartime regime had collapsed, the state had not yet collapsed.
As an example of a company, there is a case in which Snow Brand Milk Products caused a scandal and was shunned by the distribution industry, leading to its closure. Also, to take a recent example, Big Motor and Johnny's Jimusho may be on the verge of collapse.
Even if an organization is huge and powerful, if it loses its unifying force due to scandal or loss of trust, the organization will collapse in the blink of an eye. Ceausescu, the Romanian president, was executed along with his wife when the regime collapsed, and it seems that there is a violent reaction when a dictatorship collapses.
I don't think humankind still has enough know-how about the composition, operation, and maintenance of organizations, especially national systems.What do you think?
By the way, what happens when an organization collapses? Members' trust and loyalty towards the state and companies will weaken, and doubts will arise about the employment contracts and retirement benefits that the state and companies have promised to their members.
Chen Sheng, who rebelled against the ancient Qin Empire and founded the Chen state, was destroyed by the Qin army, but it is said that he was killed by a subordinate coachman while fleeing. I believe that the strength of an organization is proportional to the degree of trust to persons who hold the most important role in an organization, but when that trust collapses, it will collapse rapidly.