P1 ベーシックインカムが採用されると、勤労意欲がなくなるのでは?
P2 経済的に成り立つか?
P3 社会的に大混乱するのでは?
Three points for the introduction of basic income
P1.If basic income is adopted, won't people lose their motivation to work?
The purpose of the Basic Income is to ensure the survival of the people and give them a sense of security. You don't have to provide benefits that discourage you from working.
P2 Is it economically viable?
If basic income is introduced, survival will be guaranteed, and crime will decrease dramatically. This means that police and court-related costs can be reduced.
Survival anxiety will disappear and people will focus on living better. This will be the driving force for solving social problems.
Also, if you combine productivity improvement with robots and AI and work sharing, it will be economically viable!
P3 Won't it cause social chaos?
I have heard that some countries have already decided to introduce a basic income system in the future, but no country has actually introduced it yet.
There will be a lot of fuss from the pros and cons of introducing the basic income system. Employment, tax system, life planning, etc. can be considered to affect every part of the social system.
Therefore, we should consider a step-by-step transition, gradually increasing the amount of benefits and gradually changing the tax system and social welfare.