とも英語塾 府中



2024-07-04 | 英語
"When I think of you, I feel empowered by something burning rising deep inside me." -- Kyojuro Rengoku

「学びの基本は誠実さ。誠実でなければ、その人の教育は虚偽だ。」 アルバート・アインシュタイン

2024-06-29 | 英語
“The foundation of learning is built upon honesty. Without it, one’s education is nothing but a lie.” – Albert Einstein

けれども、39歳の市長が居眠りする議員に向かい、「恥を知れ!」と叫んだとき、日本はまだ変われる、私はそう思うことができました。川崎 レナ 世界子ども平和賞受賞者

2024-06-27 | 英語
However, when I saw a thirty-nine-year-old mayor crying out loud to a city council member taking a nap in a meeting, "Shame on you," I was able to believe Japan still has some time left for change. - Rena Kawasaki, International Children's Peace Prize Winner

明日から学校や会社やそれぞれの持ち場でそれぞれの役割をしっかり果たしてみてください。それが何よりもこの国のためになります。僕は僕で僕の責務を全うします。-石丸 伸二 東京都知事候補者

2024-06-26 | 英語
Do try to play your role at school, office, and work. That's the best thing for this nation. I'll give it my best shot to carry out my duty. - Shinji Ishimaru, Candidate for Governor of Tokyo


2024-06-23 | 英語
Tokyo is desperately waiting for Shoin, who will save the world of today.―Isami Yoshi
I think Shinji Ishimaru, the former Mayor of Akitakata city, is the one.