とも英語塾 府中


「ハリスさん、番組のセットに1憶5千万かけて出演しても、お金では有権者の愛は買えないし、ましな大統領候補にもなれないよ。」  ブラッド・トッド 共和党政治戦略家

2024-11-12 | 英語
Republican political strategist Brad Todd told the outlet, "Money can’t buy you love or a good candidate."
You know, this comment comes from the fact that the Harris campaign spent $1 million to build the pricey set that would host the bombshell sit-down.
I think there would be a better way to spend that amount of money.

ボロ負けした後、相手が強すぎと言い張るのは簡単、でも鏡の中の自分を見れば、もっとやるべきことがあったと自覚することが多い。ー ネイト・バールソン CBCモーニングス共同ホスト 

2024-08-13 | 英語
So, I'm a former NFL player and after a hard loss, it is easy to wake up and point the other side. Often times, I realized better things to do by looking in a mirror. What mistakes did I make as a player? What mistakes did my coaching stuff make? And how can we improve there? ... What about you and your team?--Nate Burleson, CBS Mornings Co-Host