予選の得点が 57.98 だったので、決勝では 60.00 越えを目指したんですが、予選のときに取りこぼした、スピンのレベル4を確実にするため、少し回転数が多すぎたり、ステップも慎重になりすぎて、逆に、全体的にスピードが遅くなり、音楽と合わない演技になりました。このため、技術構成点は、0.40 上がったんですが、演技構成点が予選のときより 2.16 低くなり、結果的に、合計点が、1.76 下がってしまいました。これは、反省点です。もっと、技術点を確実に取り、スピードとキレの有る演技をしたかった。
Tomoki Hiwatashi won gold in juvenile boys at Junior Championships. |
Hiwatashi wins juvenile boys title
Hiwatashi, whose pre-skate ritual includes dancing to preceding competitor's music to calm his nerves, was credited with 56.22 points, about 1.5 less than he scored in Thursday's qualifying competition. His performance included double Axel-double toe to start the "Whammer Jammer" free skate before adding a double Lutz-double loop and Level 4 flying combination spin.
"I could have done better," Hiwatashi said. "But I was happy that I hit all of my jumps."
Skating for the DuPage Figure Skating Club under coach Alexandre Fadeev, Hiwatashi has competed at the juvenile level for three seasons (he placed sixth at this event last year) and hopes to now move to intermediate.
You were awesome out there.I knew you could do it! You did your best:)
Thanks for picking up the horse I threw.
Good luck in intermediate next year.
You'll do great.
from reina