Long COVIDの症状は、感染後12週経っても消え無い記憶力集中力の問題(脳の霧)・動悸・めまい・関節痛筋肉痛・臭覚の喪失・胸の痛み又は、圧迫感・睡眠傷害(不眠症)・うつ病と不安・耳鳴り耳痛・気分が悪い(下痢、胃痛、食欲不振)・咳、喉の痛み、臭覚や味覚の変化・発疹ですが幾つかは、脳炎の後遺症と症状が似ています。
Long COVIDは、脳炎が原因の物と免疫低下が原因の物とに分けられます。
Long COVID,の正体は、脳炎後遺症も有ると私は、考えています。
Long COVID is when the effects of COVID-19 last longer than 12 weeks. Find out the symptoms of long COVID and how you can manage them.
Health Information and Services
Long-term effects of COVID-19 (long COVID)
Find out about the long-term effects some people can have after having COVID-19. These are sometimes called long COVID.
Long COVID questions and answers
COVID-19 can have lasting symptoms that affect many parts of the body. Learn more about the symptoms and effects of long COVID.
Mayo Clinic
How Covid-19's symptoms have changed with each new variant
With a new variant of the Sars-CoV-2 virus causing a spike in cases, it is showing just how much symptoms of the disease have changed since the pandemic began.