『日本書紀』葦原中国の平定 35
Hikohohodemi no Mikoto returned to his hometown and hastily constructed a birthing hut with cormorant feathers as roofing. While the roof was still unfinished, Princess Toyotama-hime, riding a large turtle, arrived with her younger sister, Princess Tamayori-hime. She was already in the last month of pregnancy, and the birth was imminent, so without waiting for the roof to be completed, she entered the hut.
Calmly, Princess Toyotama-hime requested the Heavenly Grandchild not to witness her childbirth. However, he suspiciously peeked, leading her to transform into an eight-fathom crocodile upon being observed privately. Knowing he had peeked, she felt deep shame and remorse.
After the child’s birth, the Heavenly Grandchild approached and inquired about the child’s name. She responded, “Let him be named HikonagisaTakeUgayaFukiaezu no Mikoto, as fitting for this auspicious occasion,” and then immediately crossed the sea and departed. At that moment, Hikohohodemi no Mikoto sang:
“At Okitsutori, where ducks gather on that island, I cannot forget my younger sister, with whom I lay down together, for as long as this world endures.”
Another version suggests that Hikohohodemi no Mikoto summoned women to assign roles such as wet nurses, bath attendants, and those responsible for chewing and feeding the child. At times, he even temporarily employed other women as wet nurses. This marked the beginning of the practice of appointing wet nurses to raise children.
Subsequently, upon hearing of the child’s admirable qualities, Princess Toyotama-hime felt compassion and a strong desire to bring him up herself. However, due to moral considerations, she sent her younger sister, Princess Tamayori-hime, to nurture the child. During this time, Princess Toyotama-hime composed a responsive poem:
“Radiant light is distant, recalling the pride once praised.
Nostalgic for past glory and praise, enduring present sorrow.
Envy and jealousy dissipate, bringing tranquility to the heart.”
Naming these two exchanged poems as “Ageuta,” they concluded this exchange.
また別の説には、彦火火出見尊(ひこほほでみのみこと)は、女たちを呼び出して、乳母、湯母、飯かみ(飯を嚙んで子に与える役)、湯人(ゆえ 子の入浴をさせる役)を決めて、すべて諸々の役目を完備して養育したという。ときによっては、仮りに他の女を使って乳母としたこともあった。これが世の中で乳母を決めて、子を育てることの始まりだとされる。
令和5年12月9日(土) 2023