『日本書紀』崇峻天皇 2
June 7 (6th month, 7th day)
Soga no Umako no Sukune (蘇我馬子宿禰) and others, acting under the authority of Kashikiya-hime no Mikoto (炊屋姫尊 Empress Suiko), issued orders to Saeki no Muraji Nifute (佐伯連丹経手), Haji no Muraji Iwamura (土師連磐村), and Ikuba no Omi Makui (的臣真嚙), saying, “Arm yourselves, set out immediately, and kill Anahobe no Miko (穴穂部皇子) and Yakabe no Miko (宅部皇子).”
That night, Saeki no Muraji Nifute (佐伯連丹経手) and his men surrounded the palace of Anahobe no Miko (穴穂部皇子). First, soldiers climbed up to the top of the tower and struck Anahobe no Miko (穴穂部皇子) on the shoulder. The prince fell from the tower and fled into an adjacent chamber. The soldiers lit a torch to locate him and then killed him.
June 8 (6th month, 8th day)
Yakabe no Miko (宅部皇子) was killed.
Yakabe no Miko (宅部皇子) was a son of Emperor Senka (宣化天皇) and the father of Uwane no Himemiko (上女王, Princess Uwane). However, the details about him are unclear. He was killed because he was close to Anahobe no Miko (穴穂部皇子).
蘇我馬子宿禰(そがのうまこのすくね)らは、炊屋姫尊(かしきやひめのみこと 推古天皇)を奉じて、佐伯連丹経手(さえきのむらじにふて)、土師連磐村(はじのむらじいわむら)、的臣真嚙(いくはのおみまくい)に命じた。「兵を整え、ただちに出発して、穴穂部皇子(あなほべのみこ)と宅部皇子(やかべのみこ)を誅殺せよ」とのことである。
令和6年12月12日(木) 2024