

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 崇峻天皇 5

『日本書紀』崇峻天皇 5






 After the rebellion was quelled, Shitennoji Temple (四天王寺) was constructed in Settsu Province (摂津国). Half of the servants and the estate of Ōmuraji (大連) were allocated to serve the temple and its attached lands. A total of 10,000 shiro (a unit of land, with one shiro being 100 tan) were granted to Tomi no Obito Ichii (迹見首赤檮). In addition, Soga no Ōomi (蘇我大臣), following his vow, built Hōkōji Temple (法興寺, later known as Asuka-dera) in the Asuka region (飛鳥地). Totoribe no Yorozu (捕鳥部萬), a close retainer of Mononobe no Moriya Ōmuraji (物部守屋大連), led 100 men to guard Moriya’s residence in Naniwa (難波). However, upon hearing of Ōmuraji’s downfall, Yorozu fled on horseback under the cover of night, heading to Arimaka Village (有真香邑) in Chinu District (茅渟県, modern-day Kaizuka City). He passed by his wife’s home and ultimately hid in the mountains.

The court convened and declared, “Yorozu harbors treacherous intentions. He has hidden in the mountains. We must swiftly eliminate his entire lineage without delay.”

Yorozu, dressed in tattered and dirty clothes, his face emaciated, came down alone from the mountains, carrying a bow and wearing a sword. Government officials dispatched hundreds of soldiers to surround him. Startled, Yorozu hid in a bamboo grove. Using a rope, he tied and shook the bamboo, creating a distraction to mislead the soldiers about his location. The soldiers, deceived, rushed toward the swaying bamboo, shouting, “Yorozu is here!”

Yorozu shot arrows with flawless accuracy, hitting his mark every time. The soldiers, frightened, dared not approach. Yorozu loosened his bowstring, tucked the bow under his arm, and fled toward the mountains. The soldiers, pursuing him across a river, fired their arrows but could not land a single hit.

One soldier, however, dashed ahead of Yorozu, hid by the riverside, and shot an arrow that struck Yorozu’s knee. Yorozu pulled the arrow from his knee, nocked his own arrow, and returned fire. Collapsing to the ground, he cried out, “I, Yorozu, have served as the Emperor’s shield, striving to demonstrate my loyalty and courage. Yet no one has listened to my words, and now I am forced into this desperate situation. Let someone worthy come forward—I wish to speak. Will you kill me or capture me? I want to hear it directly.”

The soldiers, ignoring his plea, all raced forward to shoot him. Yorozu fended off the arrows, killing over 30 soldiers in the process. Finally, Yorozu took his sword, broke his bow into three pieces, bent his sword until it was useless, and threw it into the river. Then, taking a small dagger, he stabbed his neck and ended his life.


反乱が平定された後、摂津国に四天王寺を建立した。大連(おおむらじ)の家に仕える奴(やっこ)の半分と屋敷を分け、四天王寺のために仕える奴とその田荘(でんしょう)とした。さらに、一代(一代は百畝に相当する)を一万代、迹見首赤檮(とみのおびといちい)に下賜された。また、蘇我大臣(そがのおおおみ)は、自身の誓願通りに飛鳥(あすか)の地に法興寺(ほうこうじ のちの飛鳥寺)を建立した。

物部守屋大連(もののべのもりやおおむらじ)に仕えていた捕鳥部万(ととりべのよろず)は、百人を率いて難波(なにわ)にある守屋の屋敷を守っていた。しかし、大連が討たれたことを聞き、夜に馬で逃走して茅渟県(ちぬのあがた)の有真香邑(ありまかのむら 現在の貝塚市)に向かった。その途中、妻の家を通り過ぎて、最終的に山中に身を隠した。

朝廷では「萬(万 よろず)は逆心を抱いており、そのため山中に隠れたのだ。速やかにその一族を滅ぼさねばならない」と議論がまとまった。





令和6年12月14日(土) 2024

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