

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 27

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 27





On the 20th day of the tenth month in winter, the Baekje (百済) prince, Yosho (余昌), son of King MeiŌ (明王) and father of King Itoku(威徳王), led his entire army to the kingdom of Goguryeo (高麗). There, he built a fortress at Yurino (百合野塞) and lived together with his soldiers, sharing food and lodging.

One evening, looking far across the plains, he noticed the vast, fertile fields stretching across the open land. It was remote and quiet; no human presence was seen, and not even the sound of dogs could be heard. Suddenly, the sound of drums and flutes echoed through the air. Yosho (余昌), startled by the noise, beat his drum to respond.

He and his soldiers guarded themselves through the night. When dawn broke, they could see across the great plain, where flags filled the horizon like green mountains. As morning light spread, five mounted warriors rode towards them in formation: one wearing a protective neck armor called akanoheno-yori (頸鎧), two carrying small war drums called kusubi (鐃), and two with leopard tails (豹尾) tied into their hair. Together, the five riders approached and said, “Our men have seen a guest in our fields. We cannot leave this unaddressed. May we ask for your name, age, and rank, as is customary?” Yosho (余昌) responded, “My surname is the same as Goguryeo (高麗), the Fuyo (扶余). My title is Kansotsu (杆率), and I am twenty-nine years old.” When they asked about Baekje (百済), he answered in a similar manner as before. With that, each side raised their flags, signaling the start of a fierce battle.

The Baekje (百済) warriors, wielding spears, struck down the Goguryeo (高麗) soldiers from their horses and decapitated them, displaying their heads on their spears as a show of strength. The soldiers of Goguryeo (高麗), enraged, retaliated with great fury, while the Baekje (百済) forces cheered loudly, their voices echoing through the heavens. Baekje’s vice general struck his drum, urging his troops to advance, eventually driving King of Goguryeo (高麗王) to retreat eastward to the peak of Mount Tojozan (東聖山).

In the spring of the fifteenth year, on the seventh day of the first month, the Imperial Prince Nunakura Futotamashiki no Mikoto (淳中倉太珠敷尊), later known as Emperor Bidatsu (敏達天皇), was appointed as Crown Prince.

On the ninth day, Baekje (百済) sent Mokurasetoku Monshi (木勗肩徳木次) from the Central Military Division and Osabunoku (日佐分屋) from the Forward Military Division to Tsukushi (筑紫) to deliver a message to Uchitsu omi (内臣) and Saeki no Muraji (佐伯連). They reported, “Our leaders Tokusotsushu(徳率次酒) and Kansotsusokuton (杆率塞敦) came last year on the fourth day of the eleventh month and heard from you that the Imperial Troops would arrive this coming January. May we ask if that is still the plan, and if so, how many troops will be sent? We need to make preparations for their arrival.” They added, “With our profound gratitude, we received His Majesty’s command to come to Tsukushi (筑紫) and await the arriving troops. Knowing that this campaign will be even more perilous than before, we humbly request that the troops be dispatched by January.”

Uchitsu omi (内臣), in response to the imperial decree, replied, “We will send one thousand soldiers, with one hundred horses and forty ships, to set sail immediately.”


冬の十月二十日、百済(くだら)の王子である余昌(よしょう 明王(めいおう)の子で、威徳王(いとくおう)の父)が全軍を率いて高麗(こま)の国へ向かった。そこで百合野(ゆりの)の塞(そと)を築き、兵士と共に寝食を共にした。




十五年の春、一月七日には、皇子である淳中倉太珠敷尊(ぬなくらのふとたましきのみこと 敏達天皇)が皇太子に立てられた。


令和6年11月1日(金) 2024

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