『日本書紀』 国産み 2
When the time came for Izanami-no-Mikoto to give birth, she first produced Awaji Island, but she was not pleased with it, so she named it "Awaji (吾恥 アハジ) Island." She then gave birth to the great Japan, which is also called Yamato. Following this, all others imitated this fertile autumn island. Next, she gave birth to Iyo-no-futana-shima. Afterward, she produced Tsukushi-shima. She then gave birth to twins, Oki-shima and Sado-shima, similar to some people in the world. Next, she gave birth to Echizen-shima. Following that, she produced Oshima. Next came Kibi-no-ko-shima. Thus, the name "Country of Eight Islands" began to be used, including Tsushima, Iki-shima, and various small islands scattered throughout, all of which were created from the congealed sea foam. It is also said to be created from congealed water foam.
A different account says that the gods told Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto, "There is a land of rich reed plains and plentiful ears of rice. Go and govern the land. They were given the Heavenly Jeweled Spear. The two Deities stood on the Floating Bridge of Heaven and thrust the spear into the sea. They stirred the sea, and where the droplet on a spearpoint fell, the foam congealed to form a land, which was named Onogoro-shima. The two Deities descended to that island, where they transformed it into a palace measuring eight fathoms, and they also erected a Heavenly Pillar. The Male Deity asked the Female Deity, ‘Is your body well-formed?’ She replied, ‘My body is perfectly formed, except for one place called the Hall of the High Plain of Heaven.’ The Male Deity said, ‘My body is also perfectly formed, except for one place called the Hall of the Sun.’ He proposed that they join their bodies, combining his Hall of the Sun with her Hall of the High Plain of Heaven. They circled the Heavenly Pillar, binding it with a rope. They agreed, ‘We will go around from opposite sides; you from the left, and I from the right.’ When they met, the Female Deity was the first to speak, saying, ‘How delightful, my dear young man.’ The Male Deity responded, ‘How delightful, my dear young woman.’ They became husband and wife, and their first child was the leech child, whom they placed in a boat made of reeds and set adrift. Afterward, they produced Awaji Island, but it was not counted among their children. Therefore, they returned to the Heavenly Plains to report the matter. At that time, the Heavenly Deities, using divination, instructed, ‘The words of the woman have already been spoken. You should go back.’ They then divined and set the time and date for the descent. Thus, the two Deities circled the pillar again, with the Male Deity from the left and the Female Deity from the right. When they met, the Male Deity was the first to speak, saying, ‘How delightful, my dear young woman.’ The Female Deity responded, ‘How delightful, my dear young man.’ Only then did they dwell together and give birth to a child, which was named Yamato, the great Japan. Following this, they gave birth to Awaji Island, then Iyo-no-futana-shima, Tsukushi-shima, Oki-no-mishima, Sado-shima, Echizen-shima, Oshima, and Kibi-no-ko-shima. Thus, this became known as the Country of Eight Islands.
瑞: This means "auspicious" or "blessed."
姸哉: This means "how lovely!"
可愛: This means "beloved" or "cherished."
太占: This means "divination."
伊弉諾尊(いざなぎのみこと)が産むとき、最初に淡路島を産んだが、気に入らなかったので淡路(吾恥 アハジ)島と名付けた。次に大日本国、すなわち倭(やまと)を産んだ。その後、この豊葦原の秋津洲を模して、伊予の二名島、筑紫島、双子の億岐島と佐度島、世間に似たものを産んだ。次に越島、大島、吉備子島を産んだ。こうして、対馬島、壱岐島、各地の小島など、潮沫が凝ってできた大八洲(おおやしま)の国の号が始まった。これらはすべて凝固した海の泡からできていました。また、それは凝固した水の泡からできたとも言われています。
瑞: This means "auspicious" or "blessed."
姸哉: This means "how lovely!"
可愛: This means "beloved" or "cherished."
太占: This means "divination."
令和5年10月12日(木) 2023