

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 宣化天皇 1

『日本書紀』宣化天皇 1







Emperor Takeo Hirokuni Oshitate (武小広国押盾天皇) was the second son of Emperor Keitai (継体天皇) and the younger brother of Emperor Ankan (安閑天皇), who shared the same mother. In the twelfth month of the second year, Emperor Ankan passed away without an heir. The court officials presented the sacred sword and mirror to Takeo Hirokuni Oshitate, who then ascended the throne as Emperor.

This Emperor was a person of clear and open character, with a noble spirit. He did not pride himself on his abilities or position, nor did he behave with the grandeur of a king, but was admired as a virtuous ruler.

In the spring of the first year, during the first month, the capital was moved to Ihori (廬入野) in Hinokuma (檜隈), and it was named after this palace.

On the first day of the second month, Ōtomo no Kanamura (大伴金村) was reappointed as Ōmuraji (大連), and Mononobe no Arakai (物部麁鹿火) was also reappointed as Ōmuraji, just as they were before. In addition, Soga no Iname no Sukune (蘇我稻目宿禰) was appointed as Ōomi (大臣), and Abe no Ōmaro (阿倍大麻呂) was appointed as Maetsukimi (大夫).

On the first day of the third month, officials requested that an Empress be appointed. On the eighth day, an imperial decree was issued stating, “I shall make Tachibana no Nakatsuhime (橘仲皇女), the daughter of Emperor Ninken (仁賢天皇), the Empress.” She gave birth to one son and three daughters. The eldest daughter was called Princess Ishihime (石姫皇女), the second was Princess Koishihime (小石姫皇女), and the third was Princess Kurano Wakayahime (倉稚綾姫皇女). The son was named Kamitsueha no Mikoto (上殖葉皇子), also known as Maroko (椀子). He became the ancestor of the Tajihi no kimi and Ina no kimi clans (丹比公 and 偉那公).

A previous consort, Ōshikouchi no Wakugo-hime (大河内稚子媛), gave birth to a son named Honoo no Miko(火焰皇子), who became the ancestor of the Wakata clan (椎田君).


武小広国押盾天皇(たけおひろくにおしたてのすめらみこと 宣化天皇)は、継体天皇の第二子であり、安閑天皇の同母弟である。二年十二月、安閑天皇が崩御され、後継者がいなかったため、群臣は神器である剣と鏡を武小広国押盾尊に奉り、天皇に即位された。





令和6年10月2日(水) 2024

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