

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 宣化天皇 2

『日本書紀』宣化天皇 2



On the first day of the 5th month in summer, the Emperor issued an edict, saying:

“Food is the foundation of the world. Even if one possesses vast amounts of gold, it cannot cure hunger. Even with thousands of boxes of fine jade, it cannot prevent the cold. The land of Tsukushi (modern Kyushu) is a place where distant nations come to pay tribute, and it serves as a gateway for travel. For this reason, foreign countries observe the tides and weather and bring offerings accordingly.

Since the time of Emperor Ojin (応神天皇), we have been storing and accumulating grain, preparing for times of famine and treating guests with hospitality. There is no better way to secure the peace of the nation. Therefore, I am sending Aso-no-Kimi to transport the grain stored in the rice fields of Mandara District in Kawachi Province. Soga no Omi Iname should send Owari no Muraji to transport the grain from the rice fields in Owari Province. Mononobe no Omuraji Arakai should send Niino no Muraji to transport the grain from the rice fields in Niino. Abe no Omi should send Iga no Omi to transport the grain from the rice fields in Iga Province. Establish Miyake(the government warehouse) at Natsu no Kuchi (Hakata Port).

Furthermore, the rice fields in the three provinces of Tsukushi, Higo, and Toyo are scattered and distant, making it difficult to transport supplies quickly in times of need. Therefore, the various districts should be ordered to relocate the grain to the port at Natsu no Kuchi to be prepared for emergencies, ensuring the safety of the people. Issue orders to the districts and provinces swiftly to inform them of my intentions.”

In the 7th month of autumn, Mononobe no Omuraji Arakai passed away. This year was the year of the Fire Dragon (Hinoe Tatsu, 553 AD).



「食物は天下の根本である。たとえ多くの黄金があっても、飢えを癒やすことはできない。どれほど多くの白玉(しらたま)があっても、寒さを防ぐことはできない。筑紫(つくし)の国(現在の九州)は、遠く離れた国々が朝貢する場所であり、旅の関門となっている。このため、海外の国々は、潮の流れや天候を見て、貢物を捧げるのである。応神天皇の時代から現在に至るまで、我々は穀物を蓄えてきた。これは、凶作の年に備え、客人をもてなすためであり、国を安んじる方法としてこれ以上のものはない。そこで、阿蘇君(あそのきみ)を遣わし、河内国(かわちのくに)の茨田郡(まんだのこおり)にある屯倉(みやけ)から穀物を運ばせることにする。蘇我大臣稲目宿禰(そがのおおおみいなめのすくね)は尾張連(おわりのむらじ)を遣わして、尾張国の屯倉から穀物を運ばせよ。物部大連麁鹿火(もののべのおおむらじあらかい)は新家連(にいのみのむらじ)を遣わして、新家(にいのみ)の屯倉から穀物を運ばせよ。阿倍臣(あべのおみ)は伊賀臣(いがのおみ)を遣わして、伊賀国の屯倉から穀物を運ばせよ。宮家(みやけ)を那津の口(なのつのほとり 博多の港)に建てよ。



令和6年10月3日(木) 2024

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