エシカル&エコ化粧品 ブログ



2022-11-23 06:03:00 | 化粧品製造会社のインターン



Hello everyone. I am Ririri, internship student. It is the team name [Yusa Yusa Girls]. We finished from August 22 to September 5! It was a long but short period of time. We experienced many things during this internship. We made soap, lotion, and body gel. This internship allowed me to do many things that I could not experience at other companies. I learned how hard it is to create a product from scratch. In addition, I learned that communication is important when we enter the workforce. I would like to make use of the experience. I gained from this internship in my job search.



#東京都東久留米市 #保湿 #エシカル化粧品 #インターン #貴重 #化粧品試作 #スキンケア

#ウェルビーイング #美容 #美肌 #エコ化粧品 #化粧品OEM製造 #楽しい

エシカル&保湿エコ化粧品 株式会社ローザ特殊化粧料

〒203-0042 東京都東久留米市八幡町1-1-12 技術研究所52号

TEL:042-420-1201(皮膚は1番) FAX:042-420-1214(皮膚良よ)