加藤眞琴ブログ、ドローイングの日々。 Makoto Kato daily blog, of drawing.


drawing337   顔についての考察 8 Study 8of the face

2014-09-27 23:53:24 | ドローイング
今日一日 茫洋 と過ごした                                KATO-M 2014.09.27

drawing333   顔についての考察 4 Study 4 of the face

2014-09-18 08:12:47 | ドローイング

Taro Hakase says violinist, "he'm enjoying. I want to convey the preciousness of things to do hard things stupid. Artists tell that there is also a way of life this kind of work. Has to keep the innocence of children I think of is' s role. painting also music is play for me. ... "


drawing331   顔についての考察 2 Study 2 of the face

2014-09-12 10:13:00 | ドローイング
                                            KATO-M 2014.09.12                            

