I am not a white. a British man and an American person -- looking, it is very smart. I am yellow-skinned races. The back and a nose are low. But it is the same human being. The past and our senior sacrificed useless people who start and do not have crime of large number of people, either. Yes, we regard as his not forgetting that useless people with the weakest war who fight fall victim. The soldier who fought in war also wanted to fight, and he did not fight. The soldiers who passed away with an exotic background should want to surely return to a mother country vigorously. Dont repeat the same fault by any means in memory of the thing of the people who were not able to return. Even if the color of skin is different, we are the same human beings. Since it is man.
I am not a white. a British man and an American person -- looking, it is very smart. I am yellow-skinned races. The back and a nose are low. But it is the same human being. The past and our senior sacrificed useless people who start and do not have crime of large number of people, either. Yes, we regard as his not forgetting that useless people with the weakest war who fight fall victim. The soldier who fought in war also wanted to fight, and he did not fight. The soldiers who passed away with an exotic background should want to surely return to a mother country vigorously. Dont repeat the same fault by any means in memory of the thing of the people who were not able to return. Even if the color of skin is different, we are the same human beings. Since it is man.