大粒の真珠を美しい赤い珊瑚でつないだ鮮やかな色使いのネックレス。 クラシックなデザインのステーションネックレスもカラーコンビネーションで新鮮な雰囲気に。
Long necklace with large white pearl and red small coral. The classic style design revive with vivid colour combination.
Long necklace with large white pearl and red small coral. The classic style design revive with vivid colour combination.
美しいローズピンク真珠のロングネックレス。 シンプル・イズ・ベストの素敵なサンプルです。
Beautiful rose pink colour pearl long necklace. Simple and feminine, very useful.
Beautiful rose pink colour pearl long necklace. Simple and feminine, very useful.
Delicate cocoa brown colour pearl with bronze crystal bead make such a warm + elegant necklace. Length is trendy 120cm!
Delicate cocoa brown colour pearl with bronze crystal bead make such a warm + elegant necklace. Length is trendy 120cm!
Trendy 120cm long pearl necklace become sooo charming with small pearls. Light in weight too.
Trendy 120cm long pearl necklace become sooo charming with small pearls. Light in weight too.