5年間使った平刃のプライアーが今日昇天いたしました。 金属疲労ですね、つぶし玉を思い切り締めているときに、ごき! という不気味な音とともに、太いプライアーの刃がポロリとこぼれ落ちました。 5年間重労働ご苦労さまでした。 冥福を祈ります。
After five years of heavy work, my flat nose plier was finally passed away. When I pressed clump bead firmly with both hand, with heavy click noise, one of the nose fell down. Really appreciate your help for last five years, will remember you! Rest in peace, my dear flat nose plier.

After five years of heavy work, my flat nose plier was finally passed away. When I pressed clump bead firmly with both hand, with heavy click noise, one of the nose fell down. Really appreciate your help for last five years, will remember you! Rest in peace, my dear flat nose plier.
