English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

A flower?

2024-08-29 11:09:50 | Listening
The super rare orchid flower reminds this.

A flower?

I've been listening this a thousand times, but I've never done it's dictation and haven't research the meaning.
The lyrics had been just a sound for me without meaning. Actually, some lines have no meanings and just word play.
And I cannot catch pronouns, articles, connections, modal verbs, verb be... as always. I cannot speak and listen such small words in a quick manner.

Even it's a dictation and not correct, I cannot write down many lines due to copyright.

flutter byes
gutter flies

Fly away, you sweet little thing, they are hard on your trail
They are going to change you into a human being
All change!

mum to mud to mad to dad
dad to dam to dum to mum
dad diddly office
mum diddly washing

You are full of ball
Let me hear your lies
We're living this up to the eyes

up to the eyes - > up to one's eyes = extremely busy

What a masterpiece!

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