English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-08-31 11:12:44 | Reading - gossip
If she is addicted to vaping, she should stop the smoking ban!

Rayner the raver: deputy PM spotted behind decks at Ibiza club

[quote]Politicians of all stripes have been chasing the “brat” label all summer, but only one has come close to truly pulling off the role.[unquote]
stripe [Collins]Stripe means 'kind' or 'type' in expressions such as 'of all stripes' or 'of a different stripe'.
pull off [Collins]If you pull off something very difficult, you succeed in achieving it. - it appears in Use of English
rave [Collins] [British slang] to enjoy oneself wildly or uninhibitedly
recess [quote]when the parliamentary summer recess ends
antics [Collins][plural noun]Antics are funny, silly, or unusual ways of behaving
flail [quote]His hands flailed wildly, and occasionally swung in time to the music[unquote]
glare [quote]those seeking to avoid the glare of cameras in the foggy smoking area
vaunted [Collins]If you describe something as vaunted or much vaunted, you mean that people praise it more than it deserves.

Hi Ibiza - between the airport and Ibiza town, close to DC10
Gotye, Somebody That I Used to Know, 2011 - dance with this music?? may be dance mix
N-Trance, Set You Free, 1992 - classic!
Denise van Outen - she is older than Rayner
Bic lighter

Deputy PM Angela Rayner spotted raving in Ibiza superclub with DJ FISHER

This article reminds me Matt Forde!

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