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A Bridge Too Far - Horrocks speech

2022-04-30 18:10:34 | Listening

Bowieに飽きてきたので違うもの。最初に思いついたのが、Lieutenant-General Brian Horrocks。

Gentlemen, this is a story that you will tell your grandchildren and mightily bored they'll be.
The plan is called Operation Market Garden. Market is the airborne element and Garden is the ground forces. That's us.
Now, this is our position on the Belgian border, here.
Tomorrow, three airborne divisions will begin landing in Holland. Thirty five thousand men taking off from 24-hour fields in troop-carrying planes or towed in gliders.
The American hundred and first, here, around Eindhoven. [The] American eighty second, here, south of Nijmegen. And our own first airborne boys and Polish brigade here, Arnhem. 64 miles behind the enemy lines.
Now their job is to take and hold all the bridges in these three areas. Our job is to punch a hole through the German frontline, here.
And then right [....], up this road, linking up with each airborne division on the way.
Speed is the vital factor.
The plan is to rejoin Eindhoven in two to three hours. And Arnhem, in two to three days. That, Gentlemen, is the prize, bridge of the Rhine, the last bridge between us and Germany.
Kick off will be 14:35 hours tomorrow afternoon.
The Irish Guards under the command of Colonel Vandeleur will take the lead.
- Christ. not us, again.
What did you say to that, Joe?
-Delighted, sir. Truly delighted.
I've selected you to leader is not only because of your extraordinary fighting ability, but also because, in the unlikely event that the Germans ever get you, they will assume from your attire they've captured a wretched peasant immediately send you on your way.
Now maintaining the speed is our advance will no doubt be tough going as it's a single highway but no matter what we must reach those first airborne boys in 48 hours.
Gentlemen, I'm not saying that this will be the easiest party that we've ever attended.
But I still wouldn't miss it for the world.
I like to think of this as one of those American Western films. The paratroops lacking substantial equipment, always short of food, these are the besieged homesteaders. the Germans well they naturally are the bad guys and Thirty Corps, we, my friends, are the cavalry on the way to the rescue.

こんなにクリアなスピーチなのに、聞き取れていません。CAEはToo Farかも。
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