English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-05-13 23:08:42 | Reading - business
Short reading, but interesting. No new words.
"Armchair Journalism" might be the translation of "Kotatsu Kiji".

Free wine hidden in small print claimed after three months

[quote]Mr Neidle said his approach was inspired by one used by the band Van Halen, who would ask for a bowl of M&Ms with all the brown ones removed as part of their tour rider.[unquote]
[Collins] A rider is a statement that is added to another statement, especially one which contains a change, an explanation, or further information.

The private policy had been amended.
[quote]We know nobody reads this, because we added in February that we’d send a bottle of good wine to the first person to contact us, and it was only in May that we got a response. We don’t serve any advertising.[unquote]

The privacy policy isn't too long. It's easy to find the wine line. I wish I could have had a relation with the organisation.
Is the Chateau de Sales 2013 or 2014? 2014 is better vintage than 2013. But Van Halen is more important than Chateau de Sales in the article.

There's a brilliant reason why Van Halen asked for a bowl of M&Ms with all the brown candies removed before every show

ludicrous - accent
in passing [Synonyms] incidentally, by the way
urn - urns
par lamp lights

American words
Celestial Seasonings
Tupelo honey
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
candy [AM] <-> sweets [BRIT}

I remember this South Park. We need Van Halen for world peace.

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